Case 6

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Ring... ring... ring... ring...

The buzzing telephone near him ring in the agency but he didn't bother himself to pick it up. Ranpo lay his head lazily on his desk and play with his azure marble, it rolled between his finger to and fro. His viridescent optical follow the glossy marble that reflects the ray of the sun that seeps through his curtainless window. The marble has always been his object of wonder, it reflects everything on its translucent and round surface like a mirror- all the colorful vibrancy of his world.

Ring... ring... ring...

He was busying himself and didn't even glimpse at the telephone. Why? Because he's the greatest detective with the top position in this agency, maybe even second to the President. He doesn't need to do such a mundane task like that. That's the work of a clerk or someone beneath him. Why waste his time on it? He has better, maybe more important matters at hand.

Ring... ring...

The phone continued to ring and thinning his patience. Why there's no one picking on it yet? Hmm? It seems like there's no one in the agency. When did they leave? Where did they go? He didn't notice that as he was preoccupied with his own thought. Perhaps they were on their mission or something? He doesn't feel like using his Super Deduction to find out about that. He has not felt up using his ability since that day.


Well, whatever. He sure that it wasn't anything important anyway. They can leave a voicemail for all he cares, and someone will respond to it later. It is not his problem. He just needs to ignore it.

Beep... beep... beep...

"Um... hello? Is this Armed Detective Agency?" However, the moment he heard the voice over the line, Ranpo suddenly feel woke by a new spirit. He remembers who's that voice belongs to. There's no way he could forget that. Not when it replays in his mind repeatedly. That certain scene.

"I- I need to speak with Ranpo... If he was there... will you let him know that I need to speak with him? It's urgent before the clock struck ten-"

He picked it up instantly.

"Oh hey, looks who is calling. Have you realized yet what a great detective I am, hmmm?"

His low octave and suave voice almost make you winched over the other line.

"R-right..." You clench your teeth on how awkward it is. But you have to be professional and get a grip of yourself together.

"So..." He drawled on, "What do you need from me?"

"I need your help... there's this case that I feel impossible to solve and... I'm running out of time before the next trial." You decided just to be honest with him. You didn't like to lie after all. But goodness you, you wish you didn't need to ask for his help if you can. Somehow hearing that just inflated his damaged ego.

"Oyaaa. Not even your Deception Detection can help you with that?" He inquired. You can even picture that shit-eating grinned on his expression right now.

"Errr... yes. So that's why I called for you. Will you help me, Ranpo-san?" You wish he didn't have to torment you like this.

"Hmm..." He hummed, "If I feel like it."

"Eh? But... but I really don't have much time now..." You look over the clock in the edge. If Ranpo didn't want to help you, then you are done for.


"Hmm? You really want my help that much?" He pressed his tone, somewhat sounding amuse hearing your desperate voice start to crack. "I'm quite a busy man, you see, there's a lot of case worthy for me solve. I can't even rely on my subordinate to solve a simple case. They really depend too much on me. If not for me, the agency won't be running properly. So, I can't afford to waste my time with your request now." Which is true, in a way. Ranpo glances over his desk and sees the stacks of documents case he hadn't felt up to solve this week. Who's fault is that?

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