Case 13

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"Seriously... why do I have to look out for her... it's not my responsibility in the first place."

He grumbled lowly, chewing on his stash of sweet candy he brought here begrudgingly. Although usually he would just throw the litter around as he pleased, Ranpo carefully put the wrapper inside the trash bin that was prepared inside the infirmary. This is Yosano's place, so he'd rather not aggravated her more than he already has.

He glimpses at your peaceful sleeping face. Your breathing was steady, it's enough to indicate that you are in good condition. Well, even if you are grievously injured, there wouldn't be any problem with Yosano and her ability around in the agency to patch you up like a brand-new person.

Still, he was thoroughly scolded by Yosano for his lack of compassion. It's not that he wants to put you in danger in the first place though. Anything can happen in the span of one second, a new interference can alter his deduction like what just happen.

"Hmph." He pouts to no one in the room.

But he does feel a tiny bit of guilty. Not that he would ever admit that out loud to anyone. But with just by one glance using his Super Deduction, he can already tell him what you have gone through in that mission.

This is the first though, for Ranpo, he admits that he did meet with various of a woman in his life, all ranges with different appearance and beauty on their own, but none of them appeal to him in the slightest. They were not interesting or just plain obnoxious. For Ranpo himself, he didn't put any thought about the idea of having a partner, like how Dazai always announced to have a suicide partner to commit double suicide with him. The idea itself was alien, even at his age where he was supposed to find his significant other already.

Or perhaps... he never actually experienced how being in love felt like?



That is impossible.


Because he is the world's greatest detective in the whole universe. There is no one who would be able to reach his level or stand equal with him, not in one million years as long as he is alive.


"If mother is still alive... even I wouldn't win against her." Said Ranpo quietly, reminiscing a bit of memory from his childhood. His father, the one that people often hailed as the great detective has never once won a deduction game with his mother. Often at home, he would watch and observed them debating, when they turned to ask of his opinion, of course, he would say his mother was the winner for each round. In that brief moment, there was sadness on his countenance where he seldom shows. Maybe he did miss them a bit after all.

In that small house where the three of them live together, he had a perfect family.

That was until the day they suddenly passed away. He lost the only pillar that has guided and shelters him ever since his birth. He was alone for some time until he met with the President, he stumbles upon him the day he was supposed to have an interview for his application.

Though, that was a story of his past, one that he never brings it out.

So why does he remember it now?

Perhaps, looking at you somehow makes him realized one thing.

You never know how it felt to have a family.

Ah, this is why he hates to read too much into someone. He was often in trouble for it back then, and now even more so...

Maybe he just felt sorry and saw the sorrow you shoulder the first time you two meet?

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