Case 15

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"What do you mean you only bring new cases today? I thought you know how to do better." Ranpo said disapprovingly as he points at you using his pocky stick and waves it up and down before he bites it away.

After being scolded by your chief before, you weren't exactly in the state of mind to get another lecture from him right after you come.

"Sorry...? What exactly did I forget?" You were clueless, nonetheless.

"That's exactly what you forgot. Good grief, do I really have to remind you?" He inquired, raising an eyebrow as if you are asking an incredulous question. "Can't you tell just by looking? If you want to call yourself as an assistant to a great detective like me, isn't it obvious that you must bring a gift or anything as my compensation?"

Eh? Really? Since when? You never heard there was some sort of agreement of that part. Did he just make that up?

"No, an assistant is too grand for you. Right now, you are still in a disciple level. So it obvious that you must bring me: daily fresh bake dorayaki and taiyaki. A cartoon of ramune. Pocky and Kitkat, all flavors would be good. Popin Cookin. Konpeito. Snacks all brand and anything that is sweet, also don't forget potato chips. If you can get me Honey Buddha Chips, it would be an extra point." Ranpo announced his list.

You can't help but to sweatdropped at such demand. Forget your paycheck by the end of this month if you have to buy all that for him. That's just so excessive and he just shamelessly ask you that. Has he no honor? Even as a great detective or not...

"...Isn't that too much...?"

"Nah. It's still generous enough of me to make it light for you."

Ugh... this guy... you can't figure whether he's a nice guy or an ass. Possibly both. But now that you are here, you can't find yourself to disagree with him.

"F-fine... I will keep that in mind next time, Ranpo-san..." But you felt like your soul is leaving your body as we speak right now. This definitely will give you a headache.

"Heh. Daz gowd to hear. Naw, whaz cazes zid you bring me zuday?" He asks, now seemingly satisfied with your answer. Ranpo is looking like a squirrel or hamster though since he is trying to stuff every delicacy he had in his hand into his mouth and left his cheeks puffy.

"Ranpo-san, please finish eating before you speak,..." What a bad manner. You thought inwardly and shake your head. But secretly you still admit that he is actually kind of cute.

But looking at him, you can't help but to think that Ranpo demeanor is so different from your chief. He is more laid-back and relaxes, but at the same time managed to be incomprehensible and childish with unreasonable demand. Well along with his childlike appearance, it's hard to take him seriously if not for his so-called-ability.

He sorts of feels like he is entitled to receive such treatment... which in its own way, you felt that he's being completely spoilt in this agency and that's already has been the norm for him. You look around the agency and noticed that the other staff are looking rather tense and give the impression of on the edge. Although before this you came when they were busy, it seems they are busier than before.

Did something happen?

"Few cases regarding a politician and DIET member, nothing that serious since I have to settle this one before proceeding with a new big case,..." You hope you didn't disappoint him with this.

"Heeeh. That sounds boring. But it can't be helped then," Ranpo comment and lick his fingers that cover with the crumbs. The tip of his tongue touches delicately and it moistens his fingers. It feels like you were watching it in slow motion.

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