Case 8

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"Haaa... this is nice..."

The taste of black coffee ran through your tongue and the substance roll perfectly on your taste buds, the temperature was perfectly brewed, and the intoxicating scents relax both your body and mind with its heavenly aroma- so different than the usual coffee can that you drink. Had you known this heaven exists, you'd come often at this cafe that located on the first floor of Armed Detective Agency building. Talk about convenience place, your office building only has a vending machine, how envious!

Ah, it sure took a toll on your body more than you care to admit. Right now, a nice pillow and soft mattress would feel great as your reward winning the trial and ensure the guilty verdict that you seize with your hand.

But of course, if not for his help, you wouldn't be able to win.

"Ew. How can you drink that?" Ranpo looks at you in befuddlement and point at the cup in your hand.

"This? Black coffee? You never drink one?" You rose an eyebrow to him. Didn't his parents teach him manners not to be rude? You swear this child who is older than you lack one.

"Never. It's bitter, isn't it? I prefer something sweet." He commented and drink an orange soda as he sips through his straw.

Coffee might be bitter, yes, but it's your loyal companion ever since you went to university to pursue your lawyer career. Ah, those hellish days where you stayed up until late night every day to study and memorize all law clauses to make sure you can score four flat paid off in the end. If you don't and fail or repeated semester, you have to pay yourself for the fees and as a sponsorship student, only one way to ensure that won't happen is to study rigorously. Of course... at one point people around you would call you a prodigy to have it easy, but if only they knew how much effort you put in just to grasp a single scroll of that certificate paper called bachelor of laws degree.

This is one of the reasons why you hate it if anyone belittles your capacity without giving you a chance to prove them first.

Admittedly, maybe this is why you sort of bitter most of the time.

We are what we eat, right?

"And how can you drink that?" You questioned his taste. "Don't you know drinking bicarbonate is not good for your health? Statistically, it has more sugar than it does with a can of coffee. Coffee is just a low-calorie beverage." You stated the fact and leaned back on the sofa to relax your tense shoulder. If you give in any moment now, you can be sure to fall asleep the next second without a doubt.

"Bahh. I don't need to know that." He puckers his mouth and pout. Ranpo rests his chin on his palm as he looks away from you.

What's up with him? His demeanor changes the moment you two exit from the courtroom. Or maybe, the moment he has all answer for this whole ordeal.

You decided not to question him any further.

However, you can't take away your eyes from this certain man. There's just something wrong with him, and it didn't take any genius to find that out.


"Me?" He beamed with sparkles twinkling in his eyes.

Shit. He is just too bright that it blinded you and there's nothing written on him at all.

"Why did you deceive me?" You questioned the man that seat in front of you.

"Well, why don't you take a guess?" He chirps.

You rest your chin on your intertwined hand. There's no one ever succeed when they tell lie to you, but this guy is different. It's like he has completely erased all his thought. To make matter worse, you couldn't tell what he was thinking. Not even a single trace of lies. One thing that you can confirm, your ability won't work on those who were genuine and tell the truth. But this man? An enigma. There's shouldn't be anyone who exists that never tell lies... unless if they are a saint.

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