Case 10

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"Human is sinfully foolish,"

Standing on the rooftop building by the edge, the thin man swept his gazes throughout Yokohama, the view spread across as far as his eyes can see until the end line of the horizon. The soft breeze ghostly plant their kiss over his pale complexion, as if welcoming his presence and wanted to envelop him in a tender embraced, like that of mothers to welcome him back from his endless pilgrimage. Yet there is no place that he feels welcome- not here, not there, not anywhere.

He has lost his place and the right for it. No, maybe he has long since discard what left of his attachment towards this world. He has transcended even beyond this realm, none that stand as equal as he is.

His eyes were vacant as he keeps observing.

For him, this very city crawled with rats throughout the sewer, a labyrinth haven for the miscreants no matter where they are. They skulk at every dark corner, hiding from the light of day and live within the shade of darkness. But here he is, standing openly in all his might contrary to his nature. He evinced no emotions and unconcerned of danger that awaits him. Oh, if there's anyone who dares to approach this man then they would be a fool, for he is the devil that cloaked like a messenger from God himself-- or better yet, he believed that he is the one and real God.

"But that's what makes them all the more disgustingly beautiful." He continues to whisper as he observed those beneath him on the ground. His dark violet optical reflects the scenery before him. Man, woman and child alike crawling in the mud like a worm they were. They were no different from an insect, such insignificant was the value of their lives. He holds no empathy for this morbid reality, yet, briefly, in that instant there's a trace of sadness lingers, as if he was mourning and lament on how this world has come to be-

"I will judge all those who stain this world and bring salvation," Within his eyes, all he sees was streets filled with ignoramus and mindless civilians who had no qualms about atrocities they have committed, about the deeds they have done in the span of humankind history. They continue on living as peacefully without worries, without any sign of repenting, without learning from their ancestor's mistakes and atone for their sins.

Even for the simplest and obvious reason, human still strives to kill each other to satiate their carnal desires. Be it for power or to demonstrate who's stronger and the righteous one, they won't hesitate to strike down their own brethren. He has seen many despair and causality with his own eyes, a corrosive country ruled with politics and corruptions, unjustly law that discriminates many, many innocents one and took their ability and authority for granted and abused them as they pleased.

Even this land is no different... as the air has the same rotten repugnant stench.

"Only then, there will be absolution to free those who were shackles within their own indulgence of a foolish dream and false creed." His lips curl with a small sardonic leer, he continues on his little prattle, "For there is only one Crime and Punishment befit to be their scales of judgment, to be the judge for their own grave sins."

Letting out a small chuckle, his eyes flash with a profound abhorrent, one that he has harbored for so long that it's already engraved and take root down to his core.

The wars that never ceases, the conflicts that never ends, the destructions that never stops. Why is there no one take the initiative to stop this endless cycle of madness? If there is none, then-

"I shall be the judge in this land of sinners. I will bring those ability users down and create a better world without them-- to create a new paradise."

Even if it means... giving his own life for his sublime goal to make it a reality. A reality that he envisioned to be perfect and faultless, then he would gladly.

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