Case 12

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I have rewritten this chapter for like second time and I put it on draft since I don't really feel satisfied how it turned out to be. Maybe in the future, I will come back and rewrite it again lol. For now, I'm sorry I took to long and procrastinate. But I really try my best okay?! x(

Anyway, please enjoy!


"They've lost connection with (Name)-san," Said Tanizaki from his desk inside the agency. "Right now, the police have stormed the place but there's no one to be found there." Looking through his laptop screen and the area that he scanned with satellite, the last GPS that tracks your location is on the same spot as before, not moving anywhere.

"Ranpo-san, what should we do?"

Dazai, Kunikida, Atsushi and Kyouka were out doing their mission at the moment. All that left was him and Ranpo that is available at the agency. Ah, Naomi is still at school and Kenji is currently outside. There are clerks who worked in the agency too, but they are not in the main team to deploy because they are normal civilians with no abilities and combat capabilities.

Looking indifferent, Ranpo held the blue ramune bottle in his hand, the saccharine taste of the bicarbonate drink still lingers on his tongue and he took another sip again to satiate his sweet craving. Only after a moment pass did he answer Tanizaki's question.

"Hmm, what is it to us then?"

"Eh... I thought... we are forming a joint investigation team with her?" Ask Tanizaki, a bit perplexed with how apathetic Ranpo sounds over this matter. Shouldn't he evince a little bit of concerns? Well, it wasn't the first time Ranpo has act like this. Even with the abduction case of Atsushi before too, he acts indifferent and a bit cold toward the latter.

Ranpo only reclines back into his chair, twirling it and face his direction. Despite how he usually acts rather childish and appears immature, Ranpo is fully aware of the authority he held in the agency, and everyone knows of that fact too. That's why, it's hard to argue or disagree with his decision sometimes. Although the latter does not actually like to use his authority.

"S-shouldn't we send reinforcement...?"

"Why should we?"

"Well... because she asks your help before...?" He voiced that hesitantly.

Ranpo tilted his head slightly, trying to digest his words.


"Listen here, Tanizaki-kun. It's true that I am the one who located the culprit base, but it is up to her how to catch him since it's her job. It is, by no means, we are obliged to extend our hand to her if she ever gets into trouble for her own mission." Ranpo explains, "She knew well the danger before walking straight to the enemy's base. I have warned her that before. Now if she didn't take any precaution, then that is beyond our scope. We are not an organization that provided protection for her, but we provided evidence and information for her further investigation to arrest the suspect. There's all there to it."

Well, it is the most logical reason for Ranpo to think that way. Even so... just to view this matter like they have nothing more to do is a bit heartless even though it is somehow reasonable. Could he just leave it as it is and ignore his conscience? Tanizaki's expression contorts with mix emotions and conflict. For once, he can't refute what his superior has said since what he state is the truth and he acts rationally in these kinds of circumstances.


"Furthermore, why are you worrying about her? It is just a joint investigation team, not that she's part of the agency." Ranpo adds again. He can understand to some degree if you are the agency member, but as a third party? There's a line for it. It would be a different case if you are a new recruit member, but even with Atsushi or Kyouka, Ranpo wouldn't vouch to go that far just to aid them when they are in plight. In the first place, Armed Detective Agency is not a place for protection, nor does they have the obligations to further aid them.

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