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Alexandra Jane Westorn found herself doing what scared her the most in her twenty four years of life: saying no to Emiliano and Elizabeth Westorn. Denying something to her parents was probably the riskiest thing she had ever done since getting wasted the day before her last test in Law School; especially the thing she was denying them. And we are talking about two years of doing everything they told her to do.

But everything had its limit and this was Alexandra's, she realized that as soon she stepped into O'Hare International Airport . Fine, she knew her reaction was impulsive and totally inconsiderate and she probably had no idea what the hell was going to happen from now on –as probably meant definitely– but if she wanted to be free from that life, then she needed to make a sacrifice.

She was desperate –also lost– and somehow she wished thos emotions didn't reflect on her face. Despite everything Alexandra felt, from nervousness to happiness, she didn't feel guilty neither regretted her choice of running away. This was a life she wanted to build for herself, not being built by her parents and others for her.

As the line to buy the plane tickets got smaller, her hands started to shake even more than before because, well oh well, she had no idea where she was going to end up living.

It scared her, feeling the way she was feeling at the moment scared the crap out of her and bothered her too, because she wasn't supposed to be feeling like Rapunzel when she ran away from her horrible mother. No, Alexandra wanted to feel like Princess Leia. Courageous, not giving a damn about what was going to happen tomorrow with her family when everyone found out about the fact that Miss Alexandra Westorn decided to screw things over and disappear from the map.

God, now she was overthinking.

Don't you fucking dare to back up Alexandra, you're here now. Have the ovaries to screw your parents over and think about yourself for a moment, you deserve it. She internally called herself out before the man in front of her in the line finished buying his ticket. Alexandra took a really deep breath. It was now or never.

"Good morning, Miss. May I have your destination?" The woman –whose name seemed to be Sarah R. as it read in the small plaque she had on her chest– in front of her smiled widely in her direction. God, people needs to stop being so happy or pretending to be.

"Well, what is your next international flight?" Sarah R. looked at her in a strange way. Alexandra tried to keep it cool as the worker started to type on her computer.

"The next flight has its destination to Madrid, Spain. It's set to leave in fifteen minutes."

Madrid? Yeah, she could definitely do Madrid. Why not?

"I'll take one ticket to Madrid, please." She placed her passport, credit card and identification on the counter.

Those Spanish lessons in High School need to do their thing right now. I'm definitely going to do Madrid. She thought as Sarah R. took her information and proceeded to give her a plane ticket with destination to Madrid, Spain.


A/N: There will be no Antoine at least in the first three chapters, sorry.

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