Chapter Twenty One.

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«I wanted love, I needed love, most of all, most of all. Someone said true love was dead and I'm bound to fall, bound to fall for you. Oh, what can I do?»  


Her roommate walked out of the bedroom, looking clearly nervous and trying to do his tie knot. Alexandra noticed Antonio and elbowed Antoine in the rib, this one complained but she just shushed him.

"Guys, I need you to be honest with me" Antonio walked over to the couch and stopped in front of the couple. "Do I look like a serious man? Would you say yes, this is the man I want as the father of my children?" He asked Alexandra.

Alexandra scanned him from head to toe. Watching Antonio getting all dressed up for a girl was something she thought it was funny. He was falling and in the hard way. Her eyes stopped in his tie know and then she rolled them. He still had no idea how to do a proper tie knot. Alexandra un-wrapped her arm of Antoine's torso and rose from the couch.

"You still suck with this and about the other thing, you do look like the father of her babies –or baby, I prefer you only have one. You know kids sort of annoy me but I'll bear yours, I promise Toni" Antonio growled as her hands did, as he called it, magic with the tie. "I can't believe all my children are growing up. Koke asking his girlfriend to get married with him, Isco and Elena almost admitting their official relationship, Yannick getting all serious with that girl no one knows but he was sweet enough to sing Firework to her and now you, going on an actual and normal date with a trustworthy woman; I think I'm going to cry. Antoine, sweetie, get me some tissues" She joked and could hear Antoine chuckling. Alexandra adjusted the collar of his jacket and smiled widely at him. "There you go, like Bruce Wayne"

She sat back down next to Antoine. He placed one arm around her shoulders and kissed her head. "I love the fact that you consider yourself everyone's mom" He said with amusement. Alexandra looked up to him and winked.

"You two are so fucking corny" Antonio complained. She shot a death glare to him. "In a good way; Jesus Christ Alex, you know I worship you two"

"Everybody worships us" Antoine pointed out, grinning proudly. Alexandra poked his cheek with her finger. "We are everyone's favorite couple"

"Calm down Brangelina" Antonio sarcastically said.

"We prefer to be the Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen of Europe" She teasingly said. Antonio hissed.

"Good lord, you two are indeed perfect for each other" He said with amusement. "By the way, what are you going to do? Please don't get playful in my bed, I sleep there every night and it would be traumatic for me" Antonio pleaded.

While Antoine mischievously smirked, Alexandra rolled her eyes. "We are marathoning Star Wars" She informed, sounding quite proud of herself.

"The seven episodes?" He knew Alexandra could literally do it –because he had seen her marathoning the seven movies and only stopping to go to the bathroom last month in one weekend. She also took a lot of Red Bulls to stay awake at 4:00am.

"No, just probably two from the original trilogy. I get worried when Antoine leaves this apartment too late"

"Okay then, I am going to leave right now to my real date" He said, checking his pockets to make sure everything he needed was there. "May the force be with you, Han and Leia" He was clearly messing with them.

He bumped fists with Antoine after the French man kindly –yeah, sure– gave him a nasty advice, which Alexandra decided just to roll her eyes at and laugh wryly. Men knew nothing. She wished him luck and Antonio gratefully kissed her forehead. Alexandra was kind of nervous from her own side for him; he looked so in love and clumsy –the clumsy part had its justification since Antonio hit his hip on the furniture next to the door in his way out.

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