Chapter Twenty Four.

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«What's been happening in your world? What have you been up to? I heard that you fell in love or near enough. I gotta tell you the truth...»  


"Damn" Antonio said as soon as his roommate walked into the living room.

Alexandra looked down at herself and grimaced. "Don't you think it's a little bit too much? I mean I feel like I am–"

"Alex" He stopped her from continuing right away. "You look amazing, it's not too much or too little; it's perfect"

"Thanks God because this dress costs more than you think Toni" She pointed out. It was true though.

Antonio was about to open his mouth but someone knocked on the door. She quickly motioned for him to open the door while she ran to the bathroom to check that her makeup was okay. Her roommate obviously rolled his eyes and lazily rose from the couch. He opened the door to reveal a well-dressed Antoine Griezmann, smiling like a complete idiot and being just his own-self. Antonio crossed his arms over his chest and scanned him up and down.

"Antoine Griezmann" He slowly said.

"Antonio, how are you? We are friends, why are you looking at me like that?" He said when Antonio began to stare at him in a judgmental way.

"Antoine Griezmann, Alexandra means a lot to me so I want you to be responsible and respectful with her. Also, I want her back by 10:00pm, if it's not that way I'm not giving you my blessing" By this time Antoine was already frowning in confusion. Antonio rolled his eyes and snorted. "Dude, don't frown. I'm trying to play my best version of Emiliano Westorn here and you're ruin it"

His features relaxed and he chuckled. "Wait; is her father really like that? Does he have the Batman voice too?" He squinted.

"Her father is a terrifying man Griezmann. He scared the crap out of me when I met him because he has the lawyer eyes, you know, he looks at you like if you were the worst scumbag in the entire world and he was about to sink you in prison" So glad he's far, far away from Madrid, Antoine thought.

"Emiliano is not like that, stop scaring him" Alexandra said from behind Antonio.

"Yes, he is like that" The Spaniard confirmed.

She walked closer to her roommate and pushed him a bit so she could get a look on Antoine and Antoine could get a look on her. From Antonio's point of view, seeing both of them looking at each other at that moment was priceless. Antoine got speechless staring at her from head to toe. She was wearing a blood colored Versace knit dress with crew neckline, long sleeves, unlined and semi-sheer. Alexandra looked flawless or so he thought.

"God Alex you look–" He sighed. "You look so perfect" His eyes found hers. She felt her cheeks starting to flush.

It was true that Alexandra had already looked Antoine all suited up before, but this time was something special. His hair got her attention as she noticed he had left it as she liked. She noticed he was holding a tulip in one of his hands, Antoine darted his eyes from her to what she was looking at and remembered the tulip.

"Oh yeah, it's for you" He extended it to her. Alexandra smiled widely and took the flower in her hands. "I was going to bring you a rose but the man from the florist told me a tulip meant a declaration of love and also a perfect love, so I thought I could be original"

When Antonio squeaked –literally–, they remembered his presence. "I'm so sorry for ruining the moment but man that was so romantic. Look, the chills" He extended his arms in front of them. Alexandra rolled her eyes and Antoine laughed.

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