Chapter Two.

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«So just think of your future, think of a new life. Don't get lost in the memories, keep your eyes on a new prize.»


Antonio stared at her impulsively, Alexandra made sure to scan every detail of the cafeteria they were in to avoid Antonio's face -which by the way was scaring the shit out of her. His fingers patted quickly and loudly against the wooden table, her eyes left the cafeteria to glance at the movements, Alexandra's hand traveled towards Antonio's hand, stopping the annoying sound his fingers were producing.

He gave her a death glare and she fake-smiled to him. The waitress arrived with two cappuccinos on a tray and placed them in the table. Antonio smirked to the red head and Alexandra growled; of course he was going to do that.

"We've got coffee, comfortable seats and a fresh Madrid breeze; you can now officially spill your shit out, and don't you fucking lie to me Westorn because your words in the car were pretty much clear" Antonio was indeed acting like a bad version of a worried older brother. Alexandra took a deep breath and let the air out, her fingers traced circles in the white mug in front of her.

"There are some times in life where-"

"Can you please skip the awful bad romantic movie intro and go to the damn point Alex?" God, he did know her more than well. Alexandra bit the inside of her cheek.

"Fine" She gave up. Making this faster would probably be easier. Don't put a lot of effort on it and let it out, it'll be the best. "Six months after graduation, when you decided to abandon New York and come back here, I met this really handsome guy named Brendan at one of those stupid social reunions my parents attend every week. In the start everything was great and fun, and God, he was almost perfect, and then it became something usual. I liked having him around but at some point it didn't seem to be right, you know how we always used to talk about having the thing with a specific person?" Antonio silently nodded while sipping from his coffee. "I came to a point where I didn't have the thing with Brendan anymore. At first it was fine to be with him even when it was the same routine, I mean, although I didn't feel a single crap when I kissed him, it wasn't a total torture to kiss him and have sex with him; he is hot as hell dude" Her friend wrinkled his nose, Alexandra rolled her eyes. Like if you've never had sex before. "But that is not the worst"

"I can see is not the worst, you apparently enjoyed having heartless sex with that poor bastard" The fun in his voice proved to her that he was having a good time hearing her story.

"My God, it wasn't heartless sex!" She raised her voice a little bit; some people there turned their eyes towards her. Suddenly her cheeks became red. "He loves me, so technically there were feelings" Alexandra almost whispered that last part, this time was Antonio's time to roll his eyes.

"I'm starting to believe the theory you have a black hole instead of a heart down there" He pointed to the left part of her chest.

"Can I finish my story or you want to suck Brendan's dick a little bit more?" Antonio raised his hands in front of him in self-defense. Alexandra ran a hand through her hair; Madrid was hot, actually hotter than she thought.

"Go ahead, Jane" If he wanted to get her annoyed then Antonio was doing an amazing job at it, because Alexandra was pissed off.

She tried to cool down before going ahead with the story. Getting mad to Antonio wouldn't get her anywhere but near the failure.

"Tell me what you would do if one day you wake up and the first text in your phone says, in capital letters to make it clearer: OH MY GOD, CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR ENGAGEMENT WITH BRENDAN ALEX!!!" Antonio spat out a small amount of coffee -violently spat out the coffee. Alexandra dried the three drops of coffee that fell on her cheek. "Thank you for that, I didn't have time to do my coffee treatment yesterday and that was very helpful Toni"

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