Chapter Sixteen.

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A/N: Are you guys ready for Westmann (yeah, that's their ship name, I know it sounds like something I would name a superhero) being fluffy af? Because this ship has sailed! 


«You just make me smile and I ain't felt this way for a while. You just make me smile. I like you a lot and I like to think that you like me slightly.»  


Alexandra kindly smiled as the Bayern Munich players walked in front of her towards the locker room. Lorena, one of the oldest women in the assistance department, stood next to her in case someone needed something. She knew Atlético was already in the local locker room and she wished they asked for something so she could see Antoine before the game.

Antoine. Soft-lips Antoine. She bit her lower lip remembering the kiss; and the others that came after the first one.

"Robert Lewandowski is so hot" Lorena's voice interrupted her thoughts about the kiss. Alexandra peeked at Robert Lewandowski's back and then looked at her with amusement –and a little bit of surprise too.

"What did you just say?" She funnily asked. Lorena shrugged and smiled widely at her.

"I might be married and have three sons but I'm not blind Alexandra. You are not going to deny that you have given the sweet look at least to one of the football players" Indeed I have, I even made out with one –several times. Something in her face lighted up at that memory. "Oh I know that face, you have a target" She hissed, Alexandra's cheeks suddenly felt hot. "Don't worry I don't like the prohibition policy neither, es muy jodida" She wrinkled her nose and Alexandra chuckled. "If I were you, you know, beautiful and young, I would fancy one of those guys too; but I'm happily married and in the edge of retirement so you must help a sister out and make my dream come true as yours" Lorena teased.

"I'll try Lorena, I'll try"

Both turned back their attention to the football players. Xabi Alonso and Javi Martinez even said hello to Lorena and hugged her, Alexandra supposed she knew them from when they played in Spain.

She waited for instructions when all the players and staff of Bayern Munich were already into the stadium but her supervisor indicated her to stay in her place until all the people from FIFA arrived, she desperately wanted to go and deliver something to the guys –mostly because she seriously wanted to wish good luck to Antoine.

"Alexandra, Gabi needs masking tape urgently. Go to the stockroom and run to give it to him, hurry up!" Pablo desperately told her from the wireless headset.

Thanks God, I didn't know you were actually listening to my thoughts. But kudos bro, you're the best. She couldn't believe she told that to God in her mind.

Alexandra walked quickly to the stockroom and clumsily began to stir things up on the shelves until she finally found a large roll of masking tape. It was really difficult for her to properly walk fast with her shoes but she managed to reach the locker room in record time.

Some of the guys who were going to the bench were already outside the locker room waiting for instructions to go out to the field. Alexandra flashed a smile to them and immediately walked into the room, her eyes searching for Gabi.

"Gabi, I got your masking tape" She said, extending the thing towards the captain. Her eyes scanned the entire room to find Antoine looking for something inside his bag. He was way too concentrated in that to notice she was in the same room as him.

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