Chapter Seventeen.

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 «Only fools fall for you, only fools. Only fools do what I do, only fools fall.»  


"She is amazing, she works for the financial department of the firm, likes rabbits a lot and, wait for it" He made the famous Barney Stinson pause. "Loves Star Wars! She fucking loves Star Wars guys" He was obviously about to explode in a bomb of emotions and she noticed that. That sparkle in his eyes, was something Alexandra never saw on him before.

Alexandra and Antoine smiled. He had his arm around her shoulders and she was holding his hand, they were listening to Antonio's first serious crush on a girl since he fell in love with Mila Kunis in That '70s Show the first time he saw it. It was rather funny and cute for her seeing Antonio speaking about a woman in that way. Back in their college days, he never truly showed any interest in the girls who were up the roof for him, just like Alexandra, Antonio decided to enjoy his college years trying not to tie himself with something serious.

It worked, even after college.

"And is she hot?" She asked, her lips were curved into a smug smirk.

"Alexandra" Antoine scolded her with amusement in his voice.

She looked up to his face, meeting his eyes. "Oh come on, don't tell me you don't ask your friends if their chicks are hot, because I do" Clearly. "So, is she hot? And if she is, how hot? Like Adriana Lima kind of hot or Rosie Huntington hot but less hot than the first one?"

"No one is Adriana Lima kind of hot Alex" Antonio clarified and she shrugged, he was right. "Of course she's not like that, do you think if I could hit on a VS Angel I would be here? I thought you knew me better, you could date one of those, man" He pointed at Antoine. Alexandra squinted and waited for his answer.

"No, thank you. I'm really good here with your roommate" He sweetly said and placed a kiss in the top of her head. Alexandra smiled proudly.

He would totally do a Victoria's Secret model.

"Fine, you like her a lot" Alexandra rolled her eyes to Antonio. "Now, going back to my thing, guys she's extremely gorgeous I swear to God. Alex you know me very well, you know I don't usually have my head up for a girl but goddamn I think I found my better half" That was a serious statement coming from someone like Antonio.

Alexandra blinked a few times and narrowed her eyes. "You, Antonio Montes, are telling us that you found your better half? Toni as you said, I know you more than well and that's something huge coming from your mouth, are you serious? Don't you dare to joke with me Antonio Montes, or I'll cut your balls" She threatened him. Antoine was really trying not to laugh.

"What the hell Alex? I know I haven't had a serious relationship with someone since–well, since forever but that doesn't mean I can't find my better half. I told you I strongly believed in finding someone perfect for me. The thing you dumbass, what about the thing!?"

"If you like her that much then why don't you just hit on her Antonio?" Antoine suggested. Alexandra glanced at him and smiled widely.

"See? This guy is the full package" She proudly said and gave him a peck on his cheek. Antoine squeezed her hand and grinned, Antonio just rolled his eyes; they were giving him diabetes. "No but seriously, Anto is right. If you feel that way about her then you should definitely make a move, it's the best thing for you"

"Are you two playing some type of marriage counselors with me?" Antonio squinted. Antoine peeked at Alexandra with the corner of his eyes, she shrugged. "Look guys, I know how to find a girl to take home in a bar, I know how to flirt with the cashier in a supermarket just to get benefits, I know when to call my booty-call but I'm sure as hell I don't know how to get the girl, for real" He is overreacting.

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