Chapter Three.

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«Oh my God, look at that face. You look like my next mistake


Alexandra scrolled down her email inbox. The amount of messages from her -well she still had to call them like that- family and friends was ridiculous. Of course she knew they wanted to know what the hell happened to her, but it was not like they truly cared about her, at least half of her friends just wrote an email to get information and gossip about it. My God, her life was a goddamn episode of Gossip Girl; just when Alexandra thought she was closer to Princess Leia.

More like Padme when she fell in love with Anakin. That girl was desperate.

Antonio appeared in the living room trying to do a tie knot. As long as Alexandra knew, he was doing an internship at Ordóñez&Co, some important law firm in Madrid. He lived alone, well now with her; Antonio told her his parents were living in Málaga and this apartment was his uncle's when he was in his single days. Miguel, Antonio's uncle, lent his apartment to Antonio until he could afford one. It wasn't exactly a New York with view kind of place but hey, she wasn't on terms to complain.

"I need you to be honest" Alexandra shut down her computer and abandoned her seat. Antonio stopped struggling with his tie and turned his attention to his companion on the living room. "How do I look? Does it say I want this job more than anything, or please hire me I'm a little bit slutty? Because I know I'm not but I can sometimes look like that" He smiled. Alexandra Westorn couldn't leave her old-self behind.

He scanned her; she wore a wine colored bodycon dress, the dress stopped a centimeter above her knees and she was accompanying it with black heels; Antonio still tried to understand how girls could walk in those things. A really expensive necklace handed on her neck and her hair was loose in waves. She did look good, more than good, her friend couldn't deny that.

"You look more like can you hand me that plate of caviar? Because caviar is served in plates, right?" He managed to sound funny.

"You've never been into a party before, have you? I'll make sure you go to a fancy party before you die" Antonio raised both eyebrows and Alexandra smiled showing her teeth. She started to walk towards him and took on her hands the messy tie knot he had on his neck.

"Well surely not in that kind of parties but I've been in good ones where you get fucked and don't remember a single shit about what you did the past night. They sound a lot more enjoyable than your parties to be honest Alex" Of course they did, who wanted to spend six straight hours drinking only one glass of champagne and pretending to like everybody? Exactly: no one.

Alexandra finished doing his tie knot and Antonio winked down at her. He was such a mess at it, she could bet he usually lasted at least thirty minutes doing those tie knots before she lived with him.

"What time's your interview?" Antonio took a sip of his recently made coffee from his Yoda mug and saw the time on his watch.

"Nine, why?" She kept throwing none senseless things on her purse. Antonio checked his watch again and wrinkled his nose before taking his suitcase and jacket.

"I can't drive you because my time's over but you can take a taxi, just ask the driver to take you to El Vicente Calderón; simple" Antonio drank the last amount of coffee left in his Yoda mug. Because yes, he was a twenty-four years old lawyer who still drank his coffee in a Star Wars mug, to keep it fun.

"What if the driver doesn't know english? How do I say that in spanish?" Although it was true she knew the basics on the language, Alexandra wasn't a total expert; she used to text her best friend in high school while she was in the Spanish class, which pretty much explained a lot. Antonio helped her with some words in case she had to say something in the interview, good thing Alexandra was a fast learning kind of person.

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