Chapter Twenty.

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«The rules say our emotions don't comply, but we'll defy the rules until we die. So lets be sinners to be saints and lets be winners by mistake. The world may disapprove but my world is only you and if we're sinners then it feels like heaven to me.»  


"Holy fuck!" Alexandra said when she saw the time in her phone.

She literally jumped out of the bed, taking the whole blanked with her and leaving Antoine completely naked to her eyes; she got distracted for a moment until she remembered her job. Her feet quickly moved to walk out of the room but they tangled with the sheets and caused Alexandra to hit the ground.

"Ouch!" She complained from the floor.

Antoine opened his eyes and found himself uncovered and without Alexandra next to him. He lifted his head a bit and spotted her in the ground; he bit his lip to keep from laughing.

"Alex, what are you doing there?" Alexandra lifted her arm and waved hi to him. Antoine smiled widely and rested on his elbows to get a better look of her. She still had her face on the floor. "Do you need help?"

"I'm late for work" She didn't exactly answer his questions.

Her hands helped her to propel the ground and stand up. She hugged tightly the blanket to her body and stared awkwardly at Antoine, who was just amused by their after-sex morning. He was expecting to wake her up with kisses but this was funny.

"You're naked" Alexandra pointed out, motioning with her head to his body.

He looked down at his body as well and then smirked. "I know, I've been naked in the past few hours, just like you"

"Yeah, it was cool" Suddenly her feet were the most interesting thing in the room. "I really need to get ready, I don't want to be late and have Pablo whining on my ear during the entire day"

"Why don't you call him and say you're going to be a bit late because you had to run to the hospital?" I thought I was the bad influence in our relationship. "Come on, we can have breakfast and go in for a second round"

Alexandra slowly shook her head, hiding a smug grin. "Didn't we have like six rounds yesterday? I swear I burned a lot of calories"

"That's why you need to call your supervisor and tell him you're going to be late, you need to eat breakfast and get back all the energy you spent last night" He was smugly telling her that. Alexandra rolled her eyes. "Alex" Now he was using the pleading face.

A million things that could go wrong if she made that call, ran through her mind. But then she glanced at Antoine –who was still naked in front of her. Okay, I can absolutely lie to Pablo and spend more time with Antoine.

"Hand me my phone" She finally said. His fist rose in the air in a winning way before he took her phone from the nightstand and handed it to her. "I swear Griezmann if I get fired for this I'm going to kill you"

"You won't get fired, not while I'm around" He assured.

Alexandra glared at him for a couple of seconds and then let out a weary sigh. She unlocked her phone and searched Pablo's number under the name Joffrey. She hesitated before pressing call but she also felt Antoine's eyes on her and that pretty much gave her the encouragement to make the call.

The tone rang four times before Pablo's clear Spanish accent answered the call. Alexandra chewed her cheek.

"Hello there Pablo" Be nice, for once in your life be nice with Pablo. "Is Alexandra here" She weirdly smiled even though she knew Pablo couldn't see her face. Antoine covered his mouth with his palm to stop the urge to laugh.

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