Chapter Twenty Five.

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«Rules are there for a reason, if you can't fight what you're feeling, please shut the door as you're leaving. That's not the protocol said leave your heart at home.»  


She quickly walked towards Manuel Cortéz's office, almost stumbling a couple of times. He called her and said it was something really important so she stopped actualizing the season's numbers in her computer and almost ran to his office. Her fist knocked three times on his door and waited for him to let her in. Mr. Cortéz yelled 'come in' so she did it. He was sitting on his chair, his chin resting on his hand and his eyes looking at her over his glasses. Alexandra smiled at him and walked to be in front of him.

"You called me sir?" She brightly asked.

Manuel Cortéz nodded and took off his glasses. "Alexandra since you started to work here in the club I haven't had one single complain about your job. You're someone prepared, nice and the players really like you" Is he going to give me a job in the legal department? "Your job here is almost perfect"

"Almost?" Alexandra questioned and Mr. Cortéz nodded.

He opened one of the drawers of his desk and took something that looked like a rolled magazine or newspaper from it. Alexandra furrowed her brows and crossed her arms over her chest. Mr. Cortéz searched for something in the magazine and then extended one of the pages in his desk. Her eyes popped wide open as soon as she saw the page.

There were three pictures –clearly taken with a cell phone– of Antoine and Alexandra in their date. They were holding hands in one, laughing in another and the worst one, he was kissing her in the third one. Her mouth dried and her heart began to throb abnormally. She looked at Manuel Cortéz apologetically but this one was staring at her in every way possible but nicely.

"Almost" He strongly said and took the magazine in his hands to read the article. "In case you don't know what the title says; who is Antoine Griezmann's mysterious girlfriend? Then it says how you're Alexandra Westorn, daughter of Emiliano and Elizabeth Westorn" He read and glared to her. Alexandra felt her heart was about to jump out of her chest. "One of the first things I said to you Ms. Westorn when you got the job was how getting romantically involved with someone from the club was totally banned. I knew you were friends with some of the players and I didn't say anything because you weren't doing anything wrong but this" He shook the magazine. "This is wrong Ms. Westorn"

"I know is wrong and I can explain it" You can explain it? How the fuck are you going to explain those pictures to him Alexandra? I'm so screwed up!

"Please amuse me Alexandra" He motioned with his hand for her to go on. His gaze was getting her too nervous.

"I–" And she got tongue tied. What was she going to say if everything was more than clear in the pictures? "I don't know what to say" She finally admitted and looked down at her shoes. So, so screwed.

"Just what I thought" Manuel closed the magazine and took a deep breath. He massaged his temples before going back to her. "You're an excellent employee Ms. Westorn but rules are rules and you broke a big one so I have the duty to do something I'm not really pleased with because you never failed your job" Don't cry now Alexandra, don't do it. "You're fired Ms. Westorn. Please return your work identification. Your settlement payment will be deposited in your bank account"

Alexandra swallowed hard. She took off her work identification and placed it in Manuel Cortéz's desk. "Thank you for the opportunity Mr. Cortéz. For me it was really a pleasure working here with this club" So pleasurable that I fucked it up.

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