Chapter Twenty Three.

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Warning: The chapter might give you diabetes (kidding). I had to do this fluffly to stop myself from being shady towards ATM hahaha.

«For all the air that's in your lungs. For all the joy that is to come. For all the things that you're alive to feel. Just let the pain remind you hearts can heal. Oh, how were you to know?»  


Alexandra Jane Westorn was never the prayer type but in this moment, she prayed to God, Buda, Zeus or any other god in the world for Cristiano Ronaldo to miss his penalty. It didn't happen; Cristiano scored and Real Madrid were the new champions. The feeling on her chest was a combination of pain, frustration and annoyance; they did it so good. Her eyes darted from one player to the other, from the Real Madrid's players to Atletico's. From happiness to sadness again and again and again.

She found him in the middle of the pitch, hands on his hips and looking clearly disappointed. Alexandra wanted to run to him and hug him tightly. His eyes found hers and it wasn't helping her too much how awfully sad he was staring at her. For the first time in her life, Alexandra Westorn wanted to cry her eyes out for a man. He shook her head to her, showing her that he needed her.

She walked into the field and the first one she ran into was Gabi, he was being hugged by Sergio Ramos so Alexandra decided to comfort him later. Everybody was pretty much breaking her heart, because while working with those guys she grew very fond of them and knew how much this final meant to them.

You said you wouldn't get too attached huh?

The urge to run and finally get to Antoine –because damn, that field was sure big– was taking over her, but Alexandra managed to get herself together and walk towards him like the normal assistant she was supposed to be.

Antoine couldn't care less about whom or who was not watching them when he threw his arms around her body, expecting to feel a bit less worse than before. She wrapped her arms around his torso and held him tightly. God, I hate sadness.

"Antoine" She said, breaking the hug.

"I suck"

"Don't you dare to say that!" She scolded, furrowing her brows and actually managed to get a tiny smile out of him. "Antoine Griezmann you will never suck, okay?" He nodded. "Anto you were amazing today"

"Alex" He mumbled. "Can you meet me in the locker room in a few minutes? After I receive that thing" He said, referring to the runners-up medal. "I really need to talk with someone and you are the perfect person for it"

Alexandra nodded. "See you in a few minutes. I'll be outside the locker room"

She walked away from him towards the locker room. Alexandra bumped into Isco who was carrying the famous trophy and a baby. He smiled at her –almost yelling sorry with his eyes as if Alexandra was the one losing the competition.

"Hey congrats" She pointed at La Orejona. Isco briefly looked down at the shiny trophy before his attention went back to her.

"La Undécima" He proudly said. Alexandra nodded. "Thank you Alexandra. How are–?"

"Oh no don't ask" She cut him off, shaking her head. "Hell of a game I must say. I think I hate football" Alexandra joked and he chuckled. "I won't take any more of your time, go and celebrate Isco. Job's waiting for me" She lifted the work identification hanging on her neck.

The Real Madrid player walked away from her to join the celebration all around the pitch. She continued her way to the locker room, at least Pablo wasn't around whining on her ear about how she needed to be doing something productive; he was probably consoling everybody or just whining into another person's ear. Alexandra didn't care that much.

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