Chapter Twelve.

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«Don't wanna feel this too, want nothing more with you. Stop stop stop stop. Please put away your soul. It's not the protocol.»  


Alexandra moved uncomfortable in her seat, suddenly her dress felt tighter and what was that? Sweat? All the other girls were looking at her expectantly, especially Roberta, Koke's girlfriend and Antoine's ex-girlfriend's best friend. She tried to eye Antoine with the corners of her eyes but she felt like the other girls would notice her actions.

Come on Alexandra, you're used to be the focal point. Besides, you're wearing a nice dress and your hair looks insanely good. Do it for Antoine.

"So Alexandra, where are you from?" Fernando's wife asked. Antoine looked to her and she felt his gaze over her; it wasn't helping.

"Chicago" She said not in the proudest way possible. Alexandra couldn't lie, she felt some kind of disgust for her hometown –or for the people in her hometown.

"And why did you travel to Madrid?" Roberta, a.k.a the girl who probably had the most judgmental stare in the world, questioned and Alexandra could swear to God that she heard a little bit of bitterness in her tone.

Antoine also noticed that and sent a death glare to Roberta. "Alex is the daughter of Emiliano Westorn, you know him Roberta, he came last year to your college and gave a speech in the auditory" He knew she was doing her law degree. Alexandra tried to stare at him without being petrified; she looked at how Antoine stared at Koke's girlfriend and internally panicked. "She's also a lawyer, graduated from Columbia" What the fuck is he doing?

"That's impressive Alexandra. You might want to keep this one Antoine" Gabi's wife said with a smirk planted on her face.

Or might not. I can be a fucking pain in the ass sometimes.

"Yeah, I know" He squeezed her knee under the table. Alexandra breathed heavily at the touch. It was more than obvious he was just trying to give her some confidence. "Alex, Olalla has a beautiful plant collection in this house; do you want to see it?"

"Yes" Maybe she answered faster than she wanted.

Antoine rose from his chair and offered his hand to her; she took it and stood up. Alexandra gave the girls a polite grin before walking away with Antoine. His hand rested on the small of her back until they arrived to the garden. Fernando, Koke, Gabi and Juanfran were talking just a few meters away from them.

"Thank you" She crossed her arms over her chest and peeked towards the inside of Fernando's house. "Koke's girlfriend hates my guts, why didn't you warn me that she was a meanie?" She half-reproached.

"Because she isn't a meanie" He remarked the word meanie with air quotes. "I dated her best friend but Roberta understands that she had to leave, maybe she was just being overprotective. She always does it, don't worry"

"She was bitter, like truthfully bitter" Alexandra insisted. At this point in her life she assumed girls didn't like her at all; except for a few of course. Like her grandmother, Elena and probably her mom when she could dress her any way she wanted. "This maybe wasn't a good idea"

"Alexandra" He rested his hands on her shoulders. "Don't let anyone get into your mind. Roberta's thing is probably transient; she can't be bad with anyone. She's actually a sweetheart once you get to know her"

"Didn't seem to be a sweetheart back there" Her pupils traveled to the inside of the house, Antoine adorably chuckled. "Maybe you're right" She let out a weary sigh.

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