Chapter Six.

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  «Nice guys finish last.»  


Her plans for the weekend originally were watch as much episodes of Game of Thrones as she could and fill her stomach with Chinese food, but Elena and Antonio had another version to the weekend. She didn't exactly fight against when Elena told them to go out with some friends of hers, the last time Alexandra had a good night out was pretty much when Antonio still lived in New York and she didn't work with her father or knew her ex-fiancé at all. After college her life turned out to be a typical episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills; man, basically from all the stupid shows about rich people but no Star Wars, I'm doing something wrong.

"This is so great, we're finally getting drunk together again since our adventures in college" Antonio walked into the living room with a big grin planted on his face. Alexandra put down her lipstick and smiled back at him. How could any of the two forget about their binges? "Here's the rule, the one who gets someone to spend the night with will sleep in the living room, the lonely one locks itself in the room and puts the headphones on so it's less awkward" He planned, Alexandra suppressed a laugh. The same rules all college students have.

"Are we having a throwback to college or what?

"I'm just saying because I won't feel comfortable if I watch you humping someone in my bedroom" He had a point; picturing Antonio having sex with some random girl in her couch was something disturbing.

"Fine, but I don't think you have to worry about me; I'm not in the mood to have sex with someone" She was probably going to get her virginity back if she kept that way. Her phone buzzed on her hands, warning that she had a new message.

Tell Antonio I'm already in the club, he knows where it is and please, please tell him Isco and some friends are with me so he needs to keep his mouth shut.
Alexandra chuckled at the last line in the text.

"Your cousin is in the club, she said you know where it is and to please keep your mouth shut because she's with this Isco guy and some friends" Alexandra read with amusement from her phone screen. Antonio rolled his eyes; these Montes guys are really funny.

"We might not have sex today but I know someone who will" He took his keys and the wallet from the center table and with his hand gestured her to go out of the apartment. Alexandra took her things and walked towards the door.

"Why do you think they are something?" They left the apartment and she waited for him to lock the door. Antonio shoved the flat keys into his pocket and turned to see his friend. "She denies it a lot, maybe they're really just friends"

"I know it because Elena told me she liked Isco, I'm like her second best friend" Both began to walk to the exit of the building. "Isco has a kid with another woman but he's over her, Elena believes it's not right to go further with him, but they like each other and they do things if you know what I mean; some kind of friendship with benefits and all that crap, I don't know they are weird and made no sense because they should be together, he's a nice dude and has helped her a lot with her career in journalism" Antonio finished his explanation, he opened the passenger door for her and she got into the car waiting for him to accompany her.

"They have the thing" Alexandra said as soon as Antonio sat in his seat.

"Exactly, they better take advantage of it; apparently is not very easy to find" He glanced at her before starting the engine. Alexandra knew he was talking about her recent relationship status but didn't really want to dig more into the theme, so her mouth kept shut.

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