Chapter Eight.

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  «In the dark of the night come and lay down your bones .»  


Ever since she shamelessly split her life story to Antoine Griezmann in their Make a Friendship dinner in her apartment, they surprisingly managed to build the friendship. After she gave him a complete explanation –that included a blackboard– of her life back in Chicago and a lot of questions from Antoine like 'what was your ex-fiancé's name?' and some more, he understood why she had to leave Chicago for good. It did sound insane but he could picture Alexandra doing it just because she was that kind of girl. Now since then, they actually became really good friends; good thing it only took them a broken heart at a club, a dinner full of information and three weeks to become friends.

She was adapting pretty well to the job and actually got good news from Manuel Cortéz who told her that she could participate for a place in the legal department of the club when there was a vacancy available. But until then, she had to keep working as an assistant.

Her hands were carrying a box full of spare parts for a malfunctioning machine in the gym; the job seemed to be easy if the goddamn parts weren't as heavy as a fat cow. Alexandra opened the glass door of the gym with her foot and tried to get in quickly before the door closed by itself, the place was full of sweaty players. She spotted every one of the players from Torres –who by the way was nothing pleased with Alexandra's and Antoine's decision in becoming friends and nothing more– to the puppy-faced Antoine Griezmann, who was accompanied by Godín and Saúl –fun fact, she actually managed to bear Saúl and they became good friends, he became like her second Antonio. They were near the leg extension machine doing everything but working out.

"Need some help?" Antoine asked as she approached them. She wrinkled her nose and shook her head before putting the box down to the floor.

"Shouldn't you guys be working your ass out instead of gossiping about god knows what?" She put her hands on her hips and gave them a disapproving look. "I already bet for you to get in the Champions League semifinal so you better don't make me lose my money or I'll go mad" Her finger pointed to the three of them, especially to Antoine. "Antonio said Barcelona would win and he's very annoying when he wins"

"Just like you" Saúl muttered but she could hear him.

"It's not my fault you suck at FIFA"

"Antoine was helping you that day. You were literally sitting in front of him and he had the hands in the control. Not fair at all" Cheating? Yes. A good tactic to rub a victory on Saúl's face? Yes to that too.

"Whatever you say, looser" She shook her hand in his direction, Saúl squinted.

"I want revenge, without Antoine or Antonio in the room" He challenged. Oh Saúl you don't know what you're getting into.

"You're on, Spanish bitch" Alexandra firmly said.

"Did you just call him Spanish bitch?" Antoine said with amusement. He was trying to stop himself from laughing. Alexandra shrugged looking cool.

"As pleasant as insulting Saúl is for me, I have to go back to work before Pablo calls me out again for being talking with you" She strongly remarked the you hitting her index finger in Antoine's chest. He gave her an innocent smile.

Pablo was her supervisor and for some unknown reason didn't like Alexandra or he just pretended to don't like her. She wasn't very sure and didn't care that much about it.

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