Chapter Twenty Seven.

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«I tried to be someone, I lied to be someone else for you. If I had done something a little bit differently we would've moved in a better direction than this, baby.»  


Antoine knocked on the door way too hard. He was sure the neighbors were going to complain about it but he couldn't care less. He needed to tell her he was sorry, truthfully sorry, and that whatever he said to her it wasn't true. To his disappointment, the person who opened the door was Antonio and not Alexandra.

"Jesus dude, calm down a little bit. You almost knock my door down" Antonio complained looking at the door of his apartment.

"Where is Alex?" He sounded desperate. "I know she's here Antonio don't hide her from me" He insisted.

"Geez man she's not here" He tried to shake him to reality but Antoine impulsively walked into the apartment. "Alexandra is in England Antoine"

He turned towards him. "She can't be in England, we talked yesterday!"

"First, slow down with your tone dude" He motioned with his hand and Antoine muttered a sorry. "And second, by now you should know she's like the queen of taking planes that take her away from reality" That's true.

"Okay, in what part of England is she?" Good Lord, he's one insistent son of a bitch, Antonio thought. "Antonio I know she's your friend and you're trying to protect her but don't you think I deserve to know where she is?"

"I wasn't even going to deny you that information Antoine" He clarified. "H&R it's in Manchester, she took a plane to London and would travel from there to Manchester"

"Okay thank you, if I–"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa" Antonio cut him off. "I told you where she is but that doesn't mean I am going to let you go there" Antoine frowned in confusion. "Yeah, as you heard"

"Why?" He gave him a gesture with his hands.

"This is for your country, Alex and you" He paused for a couple of seconds. "I like you Griezmann, you know, you made Alex happy and everything and you're a good man so I can't let you go for her. I mean, dude you should be traveling to France, not England, you have a huge tournament coming and I know Alexandra, if you go to her right now, she's going to push you away man. Alex needs time to think about her life and everything, pressure is not good for neither of you right now. So go and have the moment of your life in the Euro, I know that when she's ready, she is going to go back to you because her feelings for you are way too strong to let them go"

Okay, he knew Antonio was right. Alexandra was going to reject him again if he showed up in front of wherever she would live in Manchester, she was that stubborn person. Antoine also knew he didn't have time to go to England to fix things with her.

Man, this shouldn't have happened in first place.

"She said mean things yesterday" Antoine complained. Antonio chuckled and patted him in the back.

"Alex says mean things most of the time Griezmann" That's true too. "You said mean things yourself too like when you said you two were a mistake" Antoine raised an eyebrow in confusion. "She told me everything, I mean, you need to understand her"

"But I said maybe, which translates to: It's not a mistake"

"You two were in the middle of a fight; do you think she was going to think you were lying? Come on dude, if you tell a woman jokingly that she's fat, she will remember those words forever and believe they were real" Since when Antonio Montes became the guru of love? You'll never know that. "Go to France, score your goals, don't score against Spain if we get to face you guys" He joked. "Alex is a grown woman who knows what she wants in her life and what she doesn't; if you're truly important for her then she'll realize that and she will make it work because you're Alexandra and Antoine, you can't finish here"

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