Chapter Five.

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  «And I'll use you as a makeshift gauge, of how much to give and how much to take.» 


"I think he's trying to hook you up with Griezmann" Antonio took a breadstick from the basket in the middle of the table. They were having lunch in Antonio's favorite restaurant; he was dressed formal and she wore the typical red shirt with Atlético's badge on it.

"No, he's not. Why would he do that? Antoine probably already has a 5'10" girlfriend" Because those guys either dated a super-hot model or a rarely beautiful sports journalist; she did her research. Plus, Alexandra Jane Westorn hated commitment, if there was any doubt about it, Brendan could confirm that. "And there's this idiotic policy on the club where it says I can't date any of the guys from the club; apparently it's about professionalism or something like that, Mr. Cortéz explained to me and I told him about my recently broken engagement and how sad I was about it" She may or may not have used her failed engagement for own purposes a couple of times.

"If this is being sad then I cannot imagine how fucked up the other part of the engagement is. He's probably drying his tears with hundred dollars bills" Alexandra stuck her tongue out to him. "What an awful life you used to have"

A waiter brought their food to the table, both thanked him and as soon as he left, Antonio started to attack his plate. Alexandra watched as her friend shoved the food into his mouth like if he hadn't eaten anything in years.

"Easy tiger; food's not guilty about what happened to you last night" She joked, Antonio narrowed his eyes still with the full spoon in his mouth.

"Shut up, didn't ask for your opinion, did I?" Rude.

Alexandra decided to let Antonio get fat if he wanted to and began to eat. If felt like heaven, well, if heaven could be feel. So this is how God actually cooks like. A moan of satisfaction came out from her mouth as she bit the perfectly cooked steak, when Antonio said this was the best place to eat in Madrid, she didn't believe him but it actually was. Alexandra had tasted the best food from unique chefs back in her rich days but nothing compared to what she was eating at the moment.

"So glad you managed to get another person to obsess over María's food" Someone who clearly wasn't Antonio spoke. Alexandra immediately covered her mouth with a napkin before seeing the woman near their table. As soon as Antonio caught a sight of the girl, he left the silverware and stood up to embrace her in a hug.

This bastard has a girlfriend and didn't mention it to me. Alexandra swallowed the food on her mouth and composed herself before Antonio let go of the unknown girl. How did Antonio manage to hit something like that? That was the first thing that crossed her mind when she took a good look on the girl. Antonio's companion caught Alexandra scanning her, she turned to look at the notorious woman and Alexandra rapidly put her eyes elsewhere.

"Alex, this is Elena Montes, Elena, this is Alexandra Westorn, and she's new here in Madrid" The so called Elena took a sit in one of the empty seats, a waitress dropped a menu in her hands, she said gracias and then turned to Alexandra.

"Antonio has been talking about you a lot, it gets annoying sometimes but I'm happy I finally got to meet you, Alexandra from Columbia" She seemed to be nice, pretty and nice, look at that, those girls exist. Wait, Elena Montes. Antonio Montes, oh. Of course he didn't have a girlfriend; those would have been probably the first words he said to her in the airport. Hey, guess who finally has a girlfriend, me!

"Are you two brother and sister?" Because instead a hey Elena, nice to meet you; what a beautiful jacket, is it from some famous designer? She had to spill a personal question. Elena glared at Antonio and he did the same, both let out a chuckle.

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