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three months of sleepless nights and lack of exercise drained harry. for three months that he waited for louis, he grew thin.

bags under his emerald eyes that once shine, he looked a lot more taller due to his thin legs.

"niall, i don't know what to do anymore." he shook his head, trying to rid of the thought of breaking down in front of his best friend.

"but louis moved, at least."

harry squeezed his eyes shut, "that was about...a month ago."

"harry, there's still a chance."

"it's not the same without lou." he bit his chapped lips.

liam couldn't make it for today since he's out on a date with his lovely girlfriend. harry appreciated that liam apologized more times than he ever saw louis move again.

"what if he wake's up and he doesn't remember me? like in the movies?"

niall beamed at him, "then he'll know it in his heart that he loves you. just like in the movies."

"but niall-"

"but your face, harry. you've come a long way! waited for months!" niall squeezed harry's gigantic hands, "don't give up on our lad now."

sure, harry appeared to be calm and strong, but inside he couldn't take it anymore. he missed his louis.

he misses his laugh and his sassiness. the way louis flirts and smirks. harry misses his sunshine.


the irish lad often visits louis and checks on harry. he knows how hard it must be for harry to go through all these.

"harry, mate. i'm always here. and also liam." he gives off his smile that usually makes other people smile.

but now it doesn't.

"oh come on harold."

"niall, i've been waiting for four...no, almost five damn months!" harry stood up, pacing back and forth. he wasn't the calm and collected harry.

he gets frustrated and angry most of the time. but most likely, he's lost--lost and shattered.

"but harold--"

"harold this, harry that. niall, he'd never wake up."

"don't you dare say that."

harry pulled on his curly hair, frustrated.

"harry, this isn't you."

"oh, fuck off."

"don't tell me to fuck off, you--" niall groaned out of frustration, "this isn't just about you, hazza. we worry about louis too. even his family--"

"his family doesn't even visit him!"

"harry, calm down."

"no! don't tell me that his family cares...then...then ask me to calm down!" the long haired boy groaned, "they...they don't, okay? they don't care about louis."

tears began to fall down harry's eyes, "you and liam have been his family for... for nine years."


zayn. harry shot a deathly glare at niall, "don't put zayn into this. he brought nothing but pain to louis."

he rolled his eyes, "harry, first love never dies."

"it does." hurt flashed before his eyes, "zayn is out of this business. he's not coming back."

"harry." niall chuckled, he was just trying to make harry snap out of this.

"no, niall. enough. just... shut up."

niall opened his mouth, about to say something when the nurses knocked.

harry sighed, he knew niall was right. that somehow, louis still cares for zayn and vice-versa. but he would never let zayn lay another finger on his louis.

not even a word would be spoken to louis, from zayn.

louis is his.

and zayn is in the past now.

no matter what...

louis is his.

only his.



harry jolted awake as he heard someone scream as if he was in pain. his eyes searched for his love, who is not on the hospital bed.

"louis?" he stood up, his lanky legs making big steps to the other side of the bed.

"lou." the tall boy whispered as he found the small boy, curled up like a ball, shaking.

he sat beside the boy and huffed, "louis? a-are you alright?"

louis sniffed, "no... i dreamt about zayn. that he's hurting me." he paused and looked up to the curly boy. his expression unreadable.

"who are you?"






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