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next morning, the doorbell rang and louis sprung, up on his feet, cautiously peeping under the door. looking for any signs that it wasn't niall nor harry.

"lou, it's me. hazza." he knocked at the door again.

louis cursed at himself, peeping at the hole to see if it really is harry and his blonde friend. sighing in relief, he opened the door and led harry and niall in.

as soon as the door was locked, harry pulled louis into a deep, rough kiss. cupping his face and pulling on his shirt. louis was shocked at the kiss. he eagerly kissed harry back. his heart yearning for the curly haired lad.

the two pulled away when niall cleared his throat, catching their breathe. harry smiled and hugged louis, breathing in his familiar cigarette and mint scent. he was more than thankful that his boyfriend is safe.

"thank goodness you're safe." harry sobbed.

louis pats his back, he still can't forgive harry from that incident with zayn but for now he forgot about it.

"hey angel." he hugged harry tighter.

if niall could just sprint away so the two could have angry sęx, he would. he knows the two would really love that at the moment.

"still here." niall raises his hand for them to acknowledge his presence.

the boys stood there awkwardly, niall staring at his shoes. the atmosphere wasn't awkward, it was thick. harry couldn't breathe properly as everything sinked in. niall was beaten up, louis almost got shot down and an envelope...

the envelope!

harry gasped, his eyes wide in shock. he forgot it in his car, he sighed, sitting down on the couch.

"what's wrong, angel?" louis sits beside him, his hands holding harry's.

"there was this... envelope. i haven't looked in it yet."

niall was whispering something, lost in his own world again. he started breathing heavily catching harry's attention. his breathing was uneven and he was rocking himself back and forth.

"ni. hey, ni..." harry kneeled in front of niall, trying his best to calm niall.

"what's wrong bud?" louis asks.

"l-li..." he sobs, "li-am."

and harry never thought his heart would drop again. he thought he could finally breathe in relief, but he remembered liam saying goodbye last night. promising him that he would contact him when he gets home.

"my phone's dead." harry groans.

"i'll call him." louis stands up as harry runs to their room, charging his phone.

after a few more tries, louis gives up. the call goes straight to his voicemail, which isn't new, especially if liam was out late last night.

"baby, he isn't picking up." he shakes his head as he watches harry pace back and forth.

harry was pulling on his hair, overthinking about liam.

"what if something bad happens to him? what if... what if he got kidnapped?"

"n-no..." niall stutters, trying his best not to break down into more tears.

"this is fucked up." louis curses.

"but it's happening, lou!" harry pinches the bridge of his nose, "i'm next."

"no, harry." louis points at him, gritting his teeth, "don't fucking say that."

"but look!" harry gestures to niall, "niall has been beaten up! a-and you!"

"it was probably some sick joke someone is making." louis rolls his eyes.

"who would pull a prank about someone's life being in--"

harry was cut off by louis' phone ringing. everyone was silent, their breathing halted. as if everyone can sense that something is definitely wrong.

louis swipes to answer the call. it was from liam's number.

"liam!" louis chuckles, "what the hell man! you got us worried!"

they waited, but the line seemed dead. it was silent.


"liam isn't here." a low voice spoke up making niall's spine chill.

harry caught niall shudder as he heard the voice, with that he confirmed that there really is someone after them.

"where's liam?" louis' voice was filled with grudge.

"he's right here."

a few moments later, a shuffling was heard. muffled screaming and a slap.

harry's gut churned, knowing that liam was the one getting beaten up.

"speak!" the voice ordered.

someone's breathing was ragged, whimpering.

"liam?" louis asks.

"lou, oh god lou." liam's voice was heard.

he wasn't the cheery, strong man they knew now. he was terrified, his voice was shaking and he was whimpering.

"lou, don't... d-don't call the c-cops..." he sniffled, "they'd... h-hurt yo-ou more!"

another slap was heard and harry couldn't bear it anymore. he rushed inside the loo, locking himself in. he slid down, his back against the door.

he couldn't stop the tears from falling. is this all his fault? what did he do?

"i'm sorry..." he whispered to himself.

he hugged himself, falling asleep on the bathroom floor whilst crying.

he knew who to call. he has an idea who might do this. but he secretly hopes that it isn't him.


So this is the result of being bored at home. Hope everything goes well with y'all.
Love lots xx

Sorry for a sucky chapter. I'll try to write a better one

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