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liam was then rushed to a hospital, zayn with harry. while louis and niall stayed at home for that was what harry asked them to do. no going out for the moment.

"baby, trust me. please?" harry pleads.

he hears louis huff on the other line, "fine then. just make sure he doesn't pull a move on you or he'll have my foot shoved up his arse."

harry chuckles, "yes love. now take care. stay safe."


"yes baby?"

"i love you."

"i love you too."

harry sighs as the call ended, looking at liam who was dozed off. the silence engulfing the both boys who was watching over liam. it was quite awkward, harry wanted to say something, but what? it's not like he should be apologizing for everything that has happened. after all, zayn did confess his feelings for him.

"harry." zayn cleared his throat.

he couldn't help but stare at the raven haired boy sitting across the room from him. his eyes reflect the sadness in his soul.


"i want to apologize..." zayn trailed off.


"i'm... really sorry."

"it's fine." harry says.

he knows deep inside him that it wasn't fine. he had his guard down before and zayn took advantage of it. he cared, and zayn used that too. that's the problem, he cares too much for all their memories to just let it slip away with a snap of a finger. even with the wrong things zayn did, he couldn't help but smile at him, his grudge just flying away.

"i'm sorry."

"it's fine zayn. we've both had a long week..."

"i didn't mean to come off as a douche."

"zayn, drop it. okay?" harry sighs, shaking his head, "it's alright."

"you're too kind." zayn mumbles before standing up, "gonna go for a smoke."

harry nods, understanding that zayn had it hard too. that maybe, what he did was gnawing at his heart. his core. that the rock hard heart of zayn malik can actually be gooey for harry.


"louis!" harry jolted up, awake. he fell asleep while waiting for zayn to come back.

he stood up, stretching his body to try and get rid of the ache.

"you're pretty jumpy."

he stared zayn, lost in his own thoughts.

"bad dream."

"i see. 'bout louis?"

harry nods at zayn's simple question.

"what's your plan now?"

harry hesitated. his eyes searching zayn's as it seemed to burn through his head.

"i don't trust you."

the other boy scoffed as he stands up to go to harry's side. sitting beside harry on the worn out couch, he smirked.

"why so?"

harry felt his spine chill as zayn placed his hand on harry's knee. harry froze, as if a prey waiting for the predator's next move.

"geez, you need to calm your tits harry. i'm not gonna hurt you." zayn chuckles, "come to think of it, when have i ever?"

harry chuckled nervously, "actually i have four of those and only two are calm."

"way to lighten up the situation, dork."

harry shrugs with a grin.

"i'd never hurt you, you know that. you're the most important person in my life as of this moment and i don't want that to change. i'm not losing you again harry."


"but nothing. okay? i'm good with being friends with you, remember? i was always the best friend waiting behind in line. never your number one."

harry smiled sadly, "you were."

"well, look at where we are now." zayn chuckles sadly before shuffling to properly sit at the couch. his hands to himself.

"i miss those days..." harry trailed off.

"i miss it too." he paused, "but we gotta look forward."

"yes, o'course." harry nods.

the night was silent as they sit side by side watching over liam. like a dark and light angel watching over a man. harry wanted the moment to freeze. it was sweet, in a way, and a memorable one.

it's like back to their childhood where zayn and maddy are with him, protecting him from the bullies. making him to what he is now. building him up to someone strong yet caring. someone who can protect the ones they love like what they showed him, like how they treated him.

now that maddy is out of the picture and only zayn is here, he can't help but be... contented. he wants to spend more time with zayn, but fate has twisted their lives and now that can't happen. no matter how much he wanted to rekindle their old friendship, he can't. because he's in love with the man of his dreams which also happens to be his best friend's ex.

and he's not the type of person who chooses in between love and friendship; rather, he's the person who gets torn in between love and his friendship.


okayyy hello :)
i just noticed

we're on 3k!!! HOW COOL IS THAT?! THANK YOU FOR THE READS!! it's highly appreciated! vote for it too. ;)
thank you so much y'all.

i think this book will end soon... just a few more chapters to go!

love lots xx

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