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"zayn? harry?" madison was shocked to see both of them, sitting beside each other without any cuts or bruises. no flying fists.

"hi maddy!" zayn smiles and pats the space beside him, "it's been awhile since we talked."

harry grins at madison, "it's okay, he's harmless. geez maddy."

it was almost evening, and louis was now looking for harry. harry who was with zayn and madison. zayn and his ex-best friend already caught up with some major happenings on their life, leaving the topic about louis behind. zayn... is a wonderful friend, but because of the louis issue, they started to drift apart.

"what if louis sees you?" zayn finally asks in the middle of a cheerful conversation.

madison looks at harry, then to zayn.

harry shrugs, "dunno."

"harry..." madison pauses as they hear a familiar male high pitched voice.


harry stands up, brushing himself out. zayn still sitting on the ground, his eyes never leaving harry styles.

"can i model for you...some time?" zayn pops the question randomly.

harry thought about it for awhile, giving his business card.

"just call," he winks.

madison carefully watches zayn as his cheeks turn light pink. maddy caught the hue and giggled to herself.

"gotta go." harry sprints away from the two.

"what was that?" the blonde female asks.

"what was what? that was nothing." zayn rolls his eyes.

"no. that wasn't nothing, zayn. i know you used to have a teeny bit crush on our boy." he nudges zayn, "so...? spill!"

zayn buries his face into his hands. embarassed with the topic. he sure did have a ting crush on harry before. but that was before!

"it's nothing!" he grits his teeth.

"oh really? nothing? surely? his face seems to inspire all your artworks before, i'm pretty sure that there is still something, zayn malik."

"mads... he was. okay? happy now?" zayn sighs.

"okay." she giggles, "but the way you stare at him was...sticky."


"you couldn't get your eyes off of curly."

zayn scoffs, "pft, naw."

he really wasn't sure what he was feeling. or is he?


"i'm okay, paige. it's nothing serious."

"loving someone who isn't yours to begin with is serious. especially if that someone is your best friend."

zayn stands up, stretching his body and feeling contented as his bones crack. was he really in love with harry?

"i am not in love with hazza... ever. i'd never." he paused. he himself is unsure of what to say.

he was unsure of his feelings for styles and his curly hair. his flamboyant ways and clothes. his dimpled cheeks and amazing voice.


he's in love.

"damn it." he mutters under his breath as he places a stick of cigarette between his lips. walking away from madison who kept blabbering about being in love with harry.

he isn't in love. he'd definir deny it with every fiber of his body, until he dies. he doesn't love harry more than a friend. he couldn't.

he stops walking at a curb to clutch his chest.

"fuck." he curses, his chest aching.

he'll be fine. he chanted that on his mind as he continued to walk towards his car, but not until he heard an angel call out to him.

"harry?" he turns around to see harry with louis.


"zayn, are you okay?" louis asks, his gaze landing on harry who's calm.

"good. yeah." he gives them a drowsy thumbs up.

the couple made their way towards zayn, helping him stand up straight.

"zayn, hey buddy. stay with me. with us." harry kept on patting his cheeks, his cigar falling down the cement road.

"buddy?" louis raises a brow.

he didn't know what happened next. all he knows is his chest felt so tight that he could barely breathe. his heart pumping rigorously, and his breathing shallow.

he's gonna die.


okay xD this sounds so bad omf
im sorry for the sucky chapter.

love y'all! sending virtual hugs!!


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