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louis was spending his night at a hotel downtown, where harry can never find him. he was planning on going to his family, but he knew better not to.

he has enough money to last for two days, after that, he can just go to liam or niall. they'd let him stay once he explained everything. but what if they tell harry?

louis sighed, he doesn't even have a phone charger for crying out loud.

"twenty five percent." he whispered to himself, grumbling as he once got up again.

he paced back and forth, thinking of going back to their flat. but he knows that harry would be there.

or not. he thought of harry crying while driving, looking everywhere for louis. he knows harry could do that. or he could also be wrapped in his blanket, eating ice cream while he bawls his eyes out because of a movie he was watching.

louis decided that harry is sort of dumb enough to be looking for him at late night. so he finally decided to go back to the flat to get some necessary things.

the minute he arrived at the building, his senses were heightened, he decided to stay in the car for awhile. after two minutes of eyeing the place for anything suspicious, he stepped out of the car, bolting inside the flat.

the watcher looked up to him, frowning.

"hi," louis croaks.

"curly left earlier." he cleared his throat, pointing at his hair, "with your blond friend."


why would harry leave with niall? louis asked himself.

"okay. thanks."

he rode up the elevator, stepping out to their floor as it stopped. he unlocked their door, goosebumps rising on his skin. his spine chilling.

he huffs as he went in, "okay. that was weird."

louis has a habit of talking to himself when scared, or even when he's thinking deeply. and right now, it's both.

he immediately went to their room, grabbing a luggage under his bed, stuffing some clothes and hoodies. he grabbed his charger and his laptop. just in case.

finally satisfied with his things, dragging his luggage out the door he lets out a sad sigh. he glances to the polaroids on the wall one last time. he felt his heart drop.

his heart dropped a million feet as his eyes found the familiar curly hair of harry portrayed in the photos. harry was smiling and louis was going crazy, standing there as if he could hear his laughter. he's been lost for awhile and harry has helped.

he just doesn't get why after all those times that he was lost... and now that he has found himself, that his memories are slowly coming back along with the familiarity of his feelings for harry... he gets thrown aback with his ex liplocking with his boyfriend.

he sighs, locking his door as he snapped himself back to reality. he went down and waved goodbye to the watchman.

as he unlocked his car, he noticed a car light at the end of the road, an engine roaring loud as it sped down towards where he was. his eyes squinted, trying to see who was behind the wheel.

before he goes in his car, another person pops out of the window, wielding a...


his eyes widened in shock, running inside the building once again as the shooter started shooting his gun. as if following his steps.

the sound of the bullets hitting the ground echo throughout the serene night. the watchman trembled, ducking down behind the counter as the car drive by.

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