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"mister harry styles?" doctor hemmings calls for harry.

harry walked up to him, tense. he didn't know what to do. he still was blaming himself for what had happened to his angel.

niall and the two other boys dropped harry and louis at the hospital--zayn wanting to stay behind but liam begged him not to.

doctor hemmings gave harry a small smile, "he's alright, don't worry."

harry released his breath that he didn't realize he's holding.

"this usually happens with our patients that has amnesia." he paused, watching harry, "when this things happen, all i can advice you to do is to let him rest."

harry nods.


harry looks him in the eye.

"patients usually remember certain details of his memories when this occurs." the blonde doctor pouts, "it...may be a bit blurry. but at least there's something."

harry nods again.

"i'll be going now. you take care, mister styles."

harry nods and reaches out his hand to shake the doctor's.

"thanks a lot doctor hemmings."

the doctor gave out his brightest smile, "you can call me doctor luke."

he gives harry his business card before he walks away. harry sighs.

his mind is still a tangled web. he still can't figure out why spending time with louis the night before, ended up with him fighting the tattooed boy and louis fainting.

he stares at the business card.

he was thankful to know that he now knows a doctor that he can trust with louis.


"zayn said he's sorry." niall spoke up.

it's been three hours and they're still here at the hospital. waiting for louis to be alright.

louis says he's perfectly fine, but the doctors--doctor hemmings, specifically--told him to just take a rest.

"zayn didn't do anything wrong!" louis spits out, his hands in the air.

liam looks at harry who is currently at the corner of the little room. still mad at himself.

"i think a curly haired lad should be the one apologizing to me." he shot daggers across the room to where harry is, "and i would highly appreciate it if he says sorry to zayn too."

"i'd rather die than say sorry to that arsehole." harry scoffed.

"watch your filthy mouth." louis squints his eyes, "he's trying to be helpful, if you didn't notice."

harry stood up, walked towards the bed and rolled his eyes, "he knows you're mine, lou. he did that because... because--"

"he wants me back?"

the pale, younger boy stood there. he didn't know what to say. sure, he was jealous. but he would not admit that.

not to louis.

"harry... you sound ridiculous." niall smirked.

he knows exactly that harry was just jealous.

"shut up, niall."

"zayn is nothing but louis' friend." liam explains. butting in with their conversation.

harry crosses his arms over his chest, "i won't apologize."

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