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the boys were at liam's place, all drinking but harry. he was timid and watches louis laugh with them. he watches his cute little nose scrunch as he laughs. his head falls back a bit, and as he straightens himself, he looks over at harry, smiling. harry returns the gesture, but his mind still floats back to what has happened earlier.

the kiss, and the almost break in of someone.

he really needs to talk to the security, it's their life at sake.

"harreh boy!" niall slurs.

they all know harry doesn't drink anymore. unless louis mentioned that he arrived at their humble abode, drunk, that night. he shook his head and smiled at niall.

liam was clearly drunk out of his mind, which was what he wanted since he wanted to forget about that girl--harry never really caught her name.

"c'mere and drink, haz." liam slurs, a drunken smile on his face.

he shook his head, "i'm driving hedgehog home. plus, i don't drink anymore."

louis immediately smirked, as if taunting him. he crossed his fingers and prayed to the gods that louis doesn't tell anyone that drunken meeting.

"oh really?" louis finally spoke, "what about tha' one time, harreh?"

his eyes widened, all his troubled thoughts gone with the wind. he squints his eyes on louis.

"oh harry." he giggles, "we even made love that night."

harry's jaw dropped. he couldn't believe what louis just spilled. damn it. he groans.

he noticed how liam's jaw dropped too, while niall just laughed--that leprechaun who loves to laugh.

"louis!" harry stood up and stormed towards where the three was.

his face was as red as a tomato, clearly embarassed. not that he didn't want the guys to know that he was once drunk again, but he didn't want them to know that the reason why louis and him are now okay is because he stumbled in--drunk--and they made love. nope.

"it's true!" louis giggles again, raising both his eyebrows and smiling like an idiot, "you loved every bit of it harry. i know you do. the way you moaned my--"

harry covered louis' mouth with his hands, muffling what louis was saying. if it was possible for harry to be any more darker shade of red, he would have been.

liam smirks as niall calms down from his laughter.

"so, louis tops huh?" liam smirks as harry rolls his eyes at the man. they were always asking who tops, even though they knew that louis does. but harry insists that he does.

"shut up." he muttered.

niall chuckles, "knew it."

when he couldn't help the teasing of the boys, he grabs louis by the waist and lifts him up, placing him on his shoulders. louis was squirming and hitting harry's back. harry was embarassed and he wanted louis to know that he should not be messed with.

"put me down!" louis huffs, "kitten!"

"i am no kitten, louis. you're the small one here."

he pouts, "you may be tall, but you're my kitten!"

harry scoffs, "oh, really now? you couldn't even remember me."

louis wanted to say something but decided against it. he just pouts and lets harry to shove him inside the car.

harry takes a glance over louis who looks adorable with his arms crossed and his lips turned into a pout. he smirks at his lover before he slams the car door.

he went to his side and opens his door, he goes in the car and slams the door close. harry shoves the key in the keyhole and starts the engine.

he looks over at louis who was still in his position, pouty and grumpy--not to mention, drunk.

"seatbelt, lou."

"no." he whines.

harry groaned out of frustration. he was frustrated that the boy beside him makes him so mad and in love at the same time. he noticed the way louis bites his lower lip then licks it, trying his best for it not to be as chapped as his.

he leans in to reach for the seatbelt of louis, their face centimeters away. louis' breath fanning his face. sure it smelled like alcohol and mint, but to harry it smelled so good. his eyelids flutter as he looked at louis' lips, as if asking for permission.

louis on the other hand doesn't budge on his seat. his arms still crossed over his chest, and his lips still a bit pouty.

"stop staring and kiss me, harold." louis growled.

with that, harry placed his lips upon louis'. his kisses soft and sloppy against harry's sweet and slow ones. harry pulled away, he pecked his lips once more before pulling on the seatbelt and locking it.

it wasn't that long of a drive, but he still couldn't wait to go home. to cuddle with his boyfriend and to feel his warmth.

"harrey." he slurred, "i remembered... stuff."

with his balled fist, he rubbed his sleepy eyes and yawned.


"yeah." he nods, his sleepiness still obvious.

"what about?"



I love double updates. 😊

Last one.


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