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two days after, harry went to where he thinks zayn is. to where he spends most of his time.

where zayn spends his time smoking weed, doing his art pieces and where he blasts his music. this is zayn's sanctuary. he went to confront zayn about what he did, to why he appeared--drunk--at their doorstep two days ago.

"what the fuck, zayn?" harry growled as he shoved the tattooed boy.

zayn just chuckled, he knew what he did sent harry on the edge. he knew that going to their flat would make harry mad. that forcing louis will make him mad--furious.

"i did nothing, chill."

"nothing?" harry's nose flared in anger, "you made him cry again!"

"i didn't mean to. i asked him out and he didn't show up, okay?" he paused, "look at you being so protective of that boy."

he pinched the bridge of his nose as he sits down the couch. he wanted to beat zayn up. he could if he tried, but he knows zayn would never lay a finger on him, he knows zayn would not jump into the fight he wanted.

he didn't know why, but never in his life did zayn punch him too--except that one time where he was drunk and louis was beaten up.

"god, zayn... i am trying my best to help him, please don't ruin this. don't ruin us."

zayn stares at harry intently. he wanted to spill everything, every little secret he keeps, but he could never. he didn't want to be vulnerable at his eyes, he didn't need to hear harry say sorry.

"since he didn't showed up, i ended up drinking. a lot." he sits beside harry and places a hand on harry's thighs earning a twitch from the other boy.


"i'm sorry i showed up at your doorstep at the wrong time."

harry froze. he never thought zayn would apologize. let alone be calm about this.

he stared at the hand on his thigh, he missed zayn. then it hits him like a truck. zayn doesn't really care about louis... and he shakes his head at the thought, he wanted to shove the idea at the back of his mind. he wanted to rid of that weird idea that zayn cared for harry more.

it could never be.

"i should go." harry stands up, his knees a bit wobbly. he looked around zayn's place. it seems familiar, still have that weird home-y feeling. his walls spray painted with his artworks.

harry knew zayn for a long time but zayn still left some mystery about him. harry knows he's in a frat, but he didn't know whose. he knew zayn was once jailed, but he didn't know why.

and now this. he didn't know what goes on through his mind which leaves him a mystery. a beautiful mystery.

harry stared at his boy best friend. his long eyelashes and his pointed nose made harry feel weird. his stubble and the way his lips get closer...

harry stood there, frozen, as his lips met zayn's. the raven haired boy pulled harry by the hips and kissed him slowly. his eyelids flutter close as harry's were wide opened. shocked.

zayn pulled away and scratched his nape. it was his thing when he's nervous.


zayn tasted like mint, and maybe weed. but it was new to harry. so new that he wanted another taste, right there, but he couldn't.

zayn was his best buddy.

"zayn." he cleared his throat, "let's not speak of this again."

zayn nods in defeat.

"i should go. good bye zayn."

he walks out of his door and lets out a sigh of relief. he was relieved to be out of the tense and awkward atmosphere.

after some time of driving, he's back to their flat hoping louis is still asleep. his phone rang, liam calling.


"can we hang out?"

harry was bothered to why liam wanted to hang out. he don't usually hang out with them.

"is everything okay?"

harry could tell that liam is choking on his own sobs as he tried to control himself. he can hear liam cursing and his voice cracking.

"she broke up with me."

"i'll just pick up lou and we'll head straight to you, okay?" harry smiles as if he thinks liam can see it.

"niall... niall too."

"sure, li. we'll be right there before you know. breathe, okay?"

he ends the call, his mind still reminding him of the kiss and the half of it worrying about liam.

"louis, babe?" be calls out with a smile as he goes in their little nest, "liam wanted to hang out!"

"harry?" louis' voice cracked as he rushed to harry's arms.

it was warm and it felt like home. louis was shaking and his eyes were bloodshot. harry hugged him tight. holding him as if something bad would happen if he lets him go.

"what happened?"

"s-someone knocked... i think he was trying to barge in since there was a very loud thumping sound." his teeth chatters, "harry... i'm scared."

harry played with his soft hair, his hands shaking. who would want to barge in?

"dress up, okay? we'll go to liam's."

while louis was getting ready, harry examined the door which has a very subtle crack by the middle. it really seemed as if someone was trying to break down the door.

"shitty security." he cursed.

as soon as louis was ready, they went to liam's. the silence in the car was filled up with the radio. both of them were quiet, harry was overthinking and louis didn't know what to say. he was still scared.

but harry was determined to know who wanted to break in. they aren't rich, there's not much to rob from their home so why would someone want to get in?


dedicated to: someonexlost for commenting and voting for every chapter of this book and my other books. Ily x

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