316 13 1

harry paced back and forth across their room as he frantically pull on his curls. louis on the other hand was sitting at their bed, eyes closed. niall and liam are lounging at their couch on the living room, liam almost healed after a few days.

after the talk with zayn, it seems like harry was okay. but that doesn't necessarily mean that the gut feeling he has is gone. it's still present at the moment and he couldn't rest knowing zayn might be the man behind all these.

zayn is good in hiding feelings and secrets. especially his own.

"harry... the prankster hasn't been in touched with you or us. that means he must've given up." lou stood up to calm harry down.

"what if he's planning something bigger?" harry shudders at the thought.

maddy doesn't even know zayn deeply, so does harry. they know that zayn is doing something beyond, but the whole story, they don't know. all they know is zayn gets into some fights, troubles that gets him to jail a couple of times.

"boo, relax. i'm here to protect you." louis kissed his forehead before turning his back, "i'll go check on fake blondie and the hulk."

"but who's gonna protect you?" harry mumbles as soon as louis went out of their room.

he needs to know what kind of bad zayn is involved.

"oi! harry! come over here!" louis calls from the living room.

harry walks to them slowly, as if his feet was chained. his thoughts still bothering him making him spaced out most of the time the boys are talking.

"harry, i told you to get a grip. snap out of it!" louis snaps, "damn it, we're fine! ni's well, liam too, so am i! and you, you're fine too."

"which is really weird, don't you think?"

liam and niall's head snapped, looking at louis.

"what's weird in that? isn't that a good thing? that we took all the blow?" his brows pinched together.

"no, that's not good at all..." harry trails off, "zayn was threatened, niall and liam were badly beaten up while you... you were almost shot!"

louis scoffed at harry's burst of thoughts.

"louis, are you hearing yourself right now? that prankster you were talking about might be planning the worst for me."

"he won't lay a finger on you. he will never be able to touch a single strand of your hair, styles. no matter what it takes. i will, i swear, i will protect you." louis stands up heading for the balcony.

"what just happened?" liam grinned.

"i thought you two were fighting?" niall grinned too.

harry gulped. they were fighting, but over what, really? they're fighting over his gut feeling, fighting over his mind. he doesn't even recognize himself now. sure, he over thinks before, but this is a whole new level of it.
he steps outside the balcony, hugging louis from behind. his chin resting on louis' head.

"i'm sorry."

"don't be." louis faced him, "it's fine if you're scared. i understand. all i have to do is make sure you feel safe around me, right?"

harry nods, nuzzling the older boys' neck.

"harry, i've been thinking..."


"i... have bits and pieces of my memory coming together. especially the one in paris."

"oh, that one." harry giggled.

"yes. proposal." louis nods.

"what about those memories? aren't you seeing doctor hemmings for it?"

"i am... just..." louis cups his face, "i've decided on something."

"oh?" harry scrunches his nose.

"it's regarding the memories."

"ah. what about it?"

"i've decided that what i remember is enough. that i want to live in the moment and just make new ones." louis shrugs.

"but it's a part of who you are..."

"i know baby. but you can help me remember if it's really necessary."

"are you sure about this?"

louis nods, a bright smile on his face. he was surely happy and contented with what him and harry have that he didn't bother looking back to his past.

"okay then. i'll support you on this one." he kisses louis' forehead.

"thank you."


[text thread]

unknown: "the best has yet to come, pretty boy."

harry: "get lost! we're done with your stupid pranks or whatever you call it!"

unknown: "oh, you're sure gonna like this one. ;)"

unknown: "warn your stupid friend named zayn... i'll be coming for him. ;)"

harry: "what the hell do you want?!"

unknown: ". . . i want to see you suffer. begging."

unknown: "i want to see you on your knees as you beg for the safety of your loved ones..."

harry: "what have i done to you?! who are you even??"

harry: "you're delusional! get some help you psycho!"

unknown: "go and get zayn, harry. i'm sure he'd love to see your face before i finish his life."

unknown: "till then, pretty boy. ;)"


"zayn? where are you?!"

"um, at my house? why? did something happen?" zayn asks.

"stay there."

"wait, what are you talking about?"

"that psycho! that person who was threatening you! him! her! whatever..." harry rambled, "just stay safe. please?"

"sure thing. i'm not planning on going anywhere anyway."

"and zayn?"


"please tell me you haven't done anything wrong... please..."


"i know you do bad stuff for bad people. please tell me that you haven't done anything to them to make them do this... this hurting all five of us thing." harry's voice cracked.

"i haven't. i've stopped, harry. ever since... that, um..."

"what, that?"

"it's nothing."


"really, nothing. nothing. i'm okay. you'll be fine. i'll be fine. we'll all be fine."

"zayn, promise me one thing?"

"that depends, harry."

"don't be a hero."

"too bad harry, i never was."


oooookayyyy what is this sht. what am i writing? where am i going with this??? i forgot.


thanks for reading! :)

you all have been inspiring me so much! xx love you!

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