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harry sits up straight, his smile wiped off his face at the mention of that name.

"harry?" louis looks at him with worry.

"i'm okay. but go on."

louis sighs, "you don't seem okay..."

he runs his hand through his hair.

"i'm okay."

"are you sure?" the blue eyed boy asks.

"yes." harry gives him a forced smile, "now go on."

louis huffs and shifts uncomfortably. he was still right in between harry's legs. he places a hand above harry's thighs and squeezes it lightly.

"remember the... fight? that fight triggered a memory..."

harry listened intently, not speaking a word as louis told him one blurry memory of zayn. that was the time when harry saved louis from zayn. louis remembered harry beating up zayn. he remembers the punches but he couldn't see a clear face.

he could tell that it was harry.

but he couldn't remember the reason behind it.

"liam and niall has been helping me to remember... but it's quite hard." a sad smile appears on his face.

"do you want to remember? or start a new life?" harry asks, his eyes focused on the hand on his thick thighs.

louis shrugs, "i don't know. it's really a little bit of both."

harry was about to ask him another question but the door bell rang. harry couldn't help but glance at the blue eyes of louis. he noticed that it was wide due to shock...

or fear?

louis stood up quickly and ran towards the door leaving harry curious but he just left louis to handle it. he needs some time to think of how he could help louis remember.

after what seems like an hour, (not really, it was just a minute.) louis appears by the door, his eyes were red and his hair was messy. harry rushed towards louis as he noticed his tear stained cheek.

"what happened? who was that?"

louis just shakes his head as his body collapses onto harry. he trembles as he breaks into sobs and hiccups. harry proceeded to carry him to the bed and hums to calm him down.

when louis was calm but still hiccuping, he wiped his tears with his thumb.

"lou, babe. what happened?" harry asks as he peppered louis' face with kisses.

louis squirmed at the kisses and hugged harry. his hands fisted at harry's shirt.

"don't... don't hit him, okay?"

harry's body tensed at what louis said. it's like he knew exactly who that was at their door.

"t'was zayn."

harry was about to bolt out the door but he heard louis call out his name and hold his hand, making him soft like a jelly.

"i'm fine."

harry tried his best to be calm and collected as louis lied straight to his face. he knew he isn't okay. he knew better than anyone that this louis is not fine.

"what did he do?"

louis pulls harry closer to him and hugs him tighter.

"i think he was high... or some sort." he paused and linked both their hands together, "he wanted to hang out here. he just wouldn't take no for an answer." louis sniffs.

"i'm sorry harry... i've been very emotional lately."

harry hugs louis more.

"it's okay, love. i know this must be very frustrating and hard for you... but know that i am here to help."

louis rubs his eyes and gives him a sleepy smile, "thanks a lot harry..."

louis yawned and harry couldn't help but stare at him. he couldn't help but fall again.

"you're cute when you yawn."

louis covers his face with his sweater paws to hide his visible blush.

"i'm serious, lou." harry chuckled, his voice sounding deeper.

louis squealed and broke into laughter as harry hooked his hands on his under arms.

"ah! i found the precious tickle spot!" he grins.

"n-no! hazza!" he says in between his laughter.

"this is what you get for tickling me to death earlier!" he nuzzles his nose at louis' neck and breathes in his scent.

he still continuously tickled louis earning more laughter and squeals.

"okay, that's 'nuff." harry huffs and grins.

"i hate you!" louis laughs.

harry leans in, their faces inches from each other. he smiled at the boy in front of him. the blue eyed boy stared at him too, smiling and blushing. his curls hanging down and tickling his face.

"thank you." louis whispers.

"no need for that."

louis pokes his dimples, "were we always like this?"


louis grabs harry by his nape and pulls him closer; their lips touching. harry moved in sync with louis. it wasn't like the kiss last night. it was more rushed, rough and rugged.

more like louis.

harry felt louis tongue trace his lips and he parted for him. with their tongue brushing against each other, harry moaned. louis then bit his lip hard causing harry to groan. harry could feel himself get hard from this kiss.

it wasn't that big of a deal, but to him it is.

louis needed this sort of thing. this distraction. he wanted to distract his thoughts from zayn and the memory. he wanted to feel loved again, to feel himself sucked onto harry's overflowing love.


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