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"are you okay now, babe?" louis asks harry as soon as he went out of the bathroom.

he went out after an hour which worried both the boys outside the loo. they talked to the man on the phone for about fifteen minutes, while harry sleep on the bathroom floor. they weren't going to talk about liam or niall... not even the louis incident. they were all so drained that even louis brushed off the incident between zayn and harry.

"harry?" niall pats his back, "we'll be okay... don't worry, yeah?"

harry was the most sensitive person they know. he shows his sensitive side with mostly, all of the boys. and louis knows best not to talk about--

"liam..." harry whimpers, "where is he?"

he looks up at louis, his eyes glistening with tears. thin lips were bitten to red, and the tip of his nose a bit red. it's quite obvious that harry lets everything affect him. but really, who wouldn't be affected? liam has been his good friend.

"he's... um..." louis paused, "he's alright."

if only harry couldn't tell the sadness in his voice, he wouldn't react. but knowing louis, the green eyed boy knew he was sad. from that tone, harry knew there was something going on. he stood up, heading straight to the door while louis grabbed his shirt.

"no! harry!" louis yelled.

"darn it!" niall groaned as he hugged harry by the waist.

"lemme go!" harry whined, his tears unstoppable as it flowed down his pale cheeks.

it took everything from a hurt niall and a scared louis to calm down the boy. harry was tall with slightly toned body, making it hard for the two.

"hey, hey. harry? harry. i'm here." louis cupped his face as harry started to breathe unevenly.

harry's lips were chaste, his breathing uneven, his hands were shaky as louis calmed him down. their fingers intertwined. niall pacing around as everything sinks in their minds.

they need to know what's happening, but only harry has an idea who it might be.


"zayn!" harry knocked relentlessly at his door. dark circles underneath his eyes.

it's been a week since liam was missing and he received a message from zayn that he found liam down his street, beaten up.

"zayn! open the--"

"chill out!" zayn says as he opens the door, "geez harry."

"look, i just want to get liam. see if he's hurt."

"i told you that i helped him. found him 'round the block, lots of bruises." he proceeds to go inside the house, harry on his tail.

"what are you up to, malik?"

zayn stops in his tracks, turning around to look at the curly lad. he shook his head in disbelief.

"you think i'd do this?"

harry clenches his fist, "wouldn't be surprised if you would."

"oh come on, harry!" he chuckles sadly, "you think i'd do this to liam?"

"not just liam. niall too, even lou." harry sighs, "i know i'm next."

"i've received a threat two days ago."

his breathing hitches, suddenly guilty with his accusation of zayn.

"just... get liam." he opens his room, liam lying down on the bed.

harry's hands flew up to cover his mouth wide open. tears brimming his eyes, shocked. liam was almost unrecognizable, bruises litter around his face, his eye swollen, lips busted. he didn't know how liam survived this, but he's lucky he did.

"oh my god, liam." he sat on the bed, carefully touching liam's hand.

with quivering lips, liam tried his best to smile at harry but ended up frowning, groaning in pain.

"hey bud." harry croaked, "it's fine, right?"

liam nods slowly.

"so, you're here by yourself?" zayn asks.


"you should've brought your knight."

"i wouldn't want to add more fuel to the flames, malik."

"why do you sound so formal?" he chuckled.

harry didn't bother to answer and just stared at liam. his heart slowly shattering with every breath liam takes as it shows that he's in so much pain.

if it wasn't zayn, then who could it be?


back from the dead! yas! hello ~
i'm back!! thank you for waiting for this update. :)

love y'all


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