What's Love?

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Here's a sad story of a girl who thought she had it good.

She meets a boy, falls in love, and they're both happy. Plot twist! She meets boy, falls in love, and gets her heart broken. She's chasing the boy to try and get even the slightest bit of attention because even though it means nothing to him, it means the world to her. He ignores her but not too much so that she doesn't leave him because he needs the company for his own selfish reasons. She was being manipulated by him. It wasn't true love. At least for him it wasn't.

She was building him up, giving him more confidence while all he did was tear her down all for a show. She was merely a spectacle, a puppet where he was pulling the strings and controlling her every move. Tell me, how is that love? Isn't love supposed to be mutual? Something that comes naturally to both of you and you're able to trust the other person?

But what if that trust is broken? Should did that matter? No. Do you want to know why? Because if you trust them, you should trust that they will never make that same mistake again. Love is also about forgiveness.

It's knowing that they'll learn because we're not a perfect species. We have our flaws. We weren't made to be perfect. Sometimes we make mistakes and that's fine because we'll grow. Like a seed grows into a flower or a tree, we will too. We don't get a one time shot. Will we try to make mistakes? No. Will they happen? Yes. But we're learning about love together. That's what's important.

Because if you love the other person, you'll accept for the flaws and mistakes, because you know they'd never intentionally hurt you.

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