The text conversation

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"Hey" *send*

"I don't know how to tell you this but I met another girl and we're together now" *received*

*cries for part of the morning*

*hands phone to my best friend*

"Listen here you little s**t" *send*

"Lol sorry I was just kidding I thought it would be funny" *received*

"If I'm going to be with a girl I want to know she has a sense of humor: *received*

"Sorry my friend took my phone but that wasn't funny! I felt like you used me and that really hurt me" *send*

"Tell her this won't work. I can't trust her" *received*

2 days later...

"I don't expect you to respond to this, I don't expect anything really but this is just so I can get closure because you're running through my mind like a song on repeat. Did I overreact Monday?Yes. Did I have a reason to? Yes. What if the tables had been turned? What if I told you I was with someone? Would you think it's funny if I was joking? I didn't think so. I cried. I didn't cry because I was hurt you were with someone. I cried because I felt like you used me. The logic pointed to that. And I've been used before so I was scared and hurt that I was going through that again since you made me think so. So I'm sorry for how I reacted on Monday but I only told my friend that. Everything that happened before Monday? No one knows about that because like I said, there's no reason for me to tell anyone. I promise you that but if you don't want to believe me that's your problem. I hope we can be friends in the future but if you don't want to be then that's fine too. If you want me to stay out of your life, tell me. If that's what you want I won't ever text you again." *send*

" I'm sorry for saying that. It was wrong of me and I just wanted to make a joke but that clearly wasn't the best one to make. that being said I think that we should stay just being friends because us together wouldn't work out. -- ---- ---- -- -- --- ---- ------ -- ---- ---- ---- -----. I definitely don't want to lose u as a friend though. I hope you understand" *received*

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