It's all lies

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"I love you"

"I'll never leave"

"I want to be with you"

"Nothing will happen to us"

"I won't leave again, I promise"

"I love you"

That's bs right there. You don't love me. You tossed the phrase around so much that it lost all it's meaning a long time ago. You thought it would be special but it really wasn't. Maybe if you actually showed that you loved me I would've believed you. Maybe just a teeny tiny bit.

"I'll never leave you"

I believed you. Once we were finally in love, I believed everything you said. You said you would never leave and I was happy because I didn't want you to leave. I wanted to imagine that we had our whole lives ahead of us, that nothing would be able to separate us.

"I want to be with you"

If that were true, you wouldn't have left. You wouldn't have left me crying in my bed alone at night. You wouldn't have made me feel...hopeless. I wanted to believe that you meant that but the truth is, I think you were desperate.

"Nothing will happen to us"

Then why did you leave? Why did you tear me apart why did you make me doubt everything? Better yet, why did you use me? Why me? What was it about me?

"I won't leave again, I promise"

And yet, you did

"I love you"

No you don't. So why did you tell me that in the first place?

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