Happy to Waiting

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Thursday Night:

By the time we ended our conversation, I was smiling. I was happy. I couldn't believe that after 3 months, we were finally talking and all it took was us telling the other person how we feel about them. You had to go do something so you said you'd text me tomorrow. I said bye and that I would text you back. I was ecstatic. I couldn't wait to talk to you again because you made this new feeling arise in me and I didn't want it to go away.


I waited until the afternoon and that's what killed me. I knew you were in class and you can't try and text in class because I know you can't pull that stuff at the kinds of schools we go to. I waited, and I waited but nothing came. Not a text message, not a snapchat. Did I do something? Did you use me? Did you get what you want and that's why you're ignoring me?

Saturday Night:

I'm still waiting. How stupid is that? I know you won't send me a message but here I am thinking and hoping that each notification I get is from you. But you won't talk to me unless I initiate the conversation, but I can't keep doing that. So why don't you send the message for once? I know you're on your phone, so send me a message. It's not that complicated is it? Or am I asking for too much?

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