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I kneeled beside him and looked at the kid who did this.

"You're helping that?"

"Go rot." I spat at him.

"Ooh. Feisty." He sneered.
Mr Dunlap was loving this obviously.

"Can you move?" I asked Izzy.
He tried lifting his arm but it didn't go well.
"Come on. We're going to the nurse."

"That should stay out of our bathroom."

"Don't you have anything better to do than stop someone from taking a piss?"


"Izzy is a fucking person." I said. My blood boiled.

I stood up and charged at him. He didn't expect it so I knocked him down. I started punching him.

"How. Do. You. Like it?!" He pushed me off of him and raised his fist.

"Kevin Rimes?!"
Perfect timing.

"No. No no no no. This isn't what it looks like." He said slowly lowering his fist.

"It looks like you've beaten us this young man and we're going to hurt this young lady."

"That's exactly what happened. My class was disrupted because of him."

I smiled at my teacher and he shot a wink my way. I stood and picked Izzy up.

"Come with me. You're getting expelled." She said to Kevin.

"Sammy?" My best friend croaked.

"I got you." I said to him and carried him to the nurses office.

"What happened?" The nurse asked.

"He got beaten up." I said. "Poor Izzy can't even move."

"How did it happen?"

"some bigoted kid got mad because izzy went to the bathroom."

"That's strange."

"It's stupid."

"Sam. Calm down." Izzy said.

"No. He hurt you for no reason. I'm pissed off!"

"I would suggest you go to the counselors office."
I nodded and kissed Izzy on the forehead before walking out.

I went into the counselors office and sat down.

"How can I help you?"

"I'm mad. Because an idiot beat up my best friend for wanting to take a piss."


"Yeah. Kevin rimes. Izzy couldn't move after. I carried him to the nurse but Kevin. He's despicable."

"Does talking about it help?"
I shook my head.
"Do you want to go back to class?"

"I want to go stay with him." I said.

"We both know that can't happen."
I rolled my eyes and left the room. The bell rang and Amy brought me my bag.

"Thanks." I said and tried to keep walking.

"Are you okay?"

"Im not the one who got hurt Amy. A better question would've been, is he okay? Y'know since he got pummeled." I walked away from her.

I was pissed all day.

His mom texted me through his phone saying that his nose was broken and his left shoulder was out of socket.

I asked my mom and his if I could come over. They both said yes and I went to his house.

I used my key and walked in.

"Ester? Bill?"
His father walked in and gave me a hug.

"He's in his room." Bill said and I put my hand on his shoulder. He looked distraught. He nodded in appreciation and I walked to Izzy's room.

"Mom. I told you I'm okay." He said.

"Hey Izzy." I said.

"Oh. Hi Sam." He smiled at me a little. I walked over and he held out his right arm. I hugged him gently and we both let go.

I sat down on his beanbag chair and we looked at each other.

"Are you okay? Is there anything I can help with?"

"I'm fine Sammy."

"okay." I said. "You sure you don't need water?"

"Sam. I'm okay." He chuckled.

"okay." I looked at him. "Can I talk to you?"

"Go ahead."

"So. I was in Dunlap's class and he had just done some meddling."
He nodded. "He said that your crush was on me."
He knew I was gonna say something else. "Is that true?"




"Why're you saying it like that?"

"I know you don't like me back. So why bother getting my hopes up?" I stayed quiet.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It's fine." He said and put his hand on mine.

"If it's fine. Why do I feel so bad?"

"It's either because you're pitying me since I'm already hurt or... Yeah that's about it."

"No. You're my best friend and I wanna make you happy."

"I am completely content."
I sighed and shook my head.

"I wanna give you a chance."


"Yeah. The only reason I don't think of you like that is because I've never seen you as someone I'd be able to date. Do I think you're good looking? Yes. Did I ever think about this happening? Yes. Do I think that you're the most awesome amazing human I've ever known? Hell yeah and you deserve the best." I said to him. "Who knows? Maybe we could fall in love."

"Alright. If I agree will you calm down?"
I nodded my head.

"Hey. I brought you two some food."

"Thanks mom."
"Thanks ester."

"So when is this date?" Izzy asked me.

"I can't Tuesday or Sunday. How about tonight?"

"Why the hell not? I'm here. You're here. We have food. Let's date."

"Well we already know everything about each other."

"I think I know what to do." He said.


"Come here." I set my food on the table and sat on an empty part of the bed.
"I'm going to kiss you now." He said and with his right arm he pulled me in and we kissed.

It was just a peck though.
"You feel anything?" I asked him. He nodded.

"Did you?"
I nodded too and he pulled me back in. It was longer and we would occasionally use tongues.

"How about that one?" I asked.
He nodded.
"Okay me too."

"Last time." He pulled me in and we were making out. Before he pulled away I bit his bottom lip as I pulled away.

"are we together now?" I asked.

"I think so. Like if you wanna."

"I wanna."

"Okay. Cool."

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