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Tana and I walked back from the interview.

"Thug hug!" I got forcefully hugged by a girl.

"Thug hug indeed darling." I hugged her back.

"I just wanted to say that I'm your biggest fan."

"Aw. You're so sweet. What's your name?"


"Hope. That's a nice name. Do you have a Twitter?"
She pulled out her phone and it was literally a fan account for me.
"Dude. You're actually the sweetest." I pulled out my phone and followed her on Twitter. I put my phone away and started recording a video.
"Whassaaaaaaap thug hug nation. I'm SAMM and I hope that you are having a lovely wonderful day. P.s hope is my favorite. K thanks bye." I stopped recording and posted it.

"One more thug hug?" I asked and we did it. Tana took a picture of us and hope left with a smile.

"Look at you with your fans." Tana said and hugged me.

"You saying you aren't a part of thug hug nation babe?"
We let go and held hands.

"I'm just saying I should be a special thug hug. Because I'm the only one who can do this." She kissed me.

"What happened to keep things casual for the cameras?" I asked when we pulled away.

"I needed my Sammy love."


"Lo lo!" We yelled back and ran to her. We all hugged.

"What're you doing out here?" Tana asked.

"Looking for you two."

"You wanna join the elite thug hugs?"

"Tana made that up."

"But it could be a reality of you talk the troll doll. Oops. I mean Rudy."

"I love you." I said to her.

"I love you." She repeated.

"I love both of you the most." Logan said.

"We know Logan." Tana said.

"Hand." Logan said and we held hands. Tana hugged my arm and we walked to the next interview.

"I'm warning you that this interview is in front of a group of people." I said to them.

"Oh. Okay."

We walked into the room and sat down.

"Hi everyone."
Everyone cheered.
"Let's get down to business to defeat the huns."

"Sam. Hi."

"Hey there."

"My name is Lester and I was wondering if you are in a relationship?"

"I am actually married to all of little mix." I joked. "But yes."

"With who?"

"This person and I have decided to keep our relationship out of the public eye."


"I'd rather be known for my music than who I'm dating."

"Hi Sammy." A girl stood and Lester sat.

"Hello darling."

"My name is Anne Marie. And I was wondering if you had any secret talents."

"I can wiggle my ears. Stay back and I'll show you."
She smiled and nodded. She sat and a guy stood.

"Hi Sam. I love you."

"Hi babe. I love you too."

"Um. Okay. So I'm Kylie. And I'm a trans female. I was wondering if you are an ally to the lgbtq+ community and if you support your thug hugs who are in the community."

"Good question Kylie. I would be an ally if I were straight. And look. I love ALL of my thug hugs. Race, gender, sexuality? Doesn't matter."

This went on.

"Hi Sam. I'm Adam. Can you speak any other languages?"

"Hi Adam. I am in the process of learning German."

"Hey Sam. My name's Natalie and I was wondering what a thug hug elite is and how can I be one?"

I looked at Tana who shrugged with a small smile.

"Well. It would sort of be like being a patron but the perks are way better."

"What would the perks be?"

"It hasn't really been cleared yet but let's say if you give over a hundred dollars you get a day with me. And if we are in different countries I'll fly you to wherever I am and you get extra songs a follow on any social media and you can get some exclusive merch. 50-90 you'll probably get some extra songs the follow and a Skype call. 20-40 you'll get the follow and an active dm so if you ever need to talk I'm there. And like 5-15 you'll get the follow. None of this has been confirmed yet but I'll talk it over with the big guys."

"Sam. I'm Kia and I was wondering if there would be a small meet and greet after this?"
I looked back at the few security guards.

"Sure. I'm not sure it'll be long but I will try to get to all of you." I said.

"Hi Sam. I'm hara and I've seen quite a few pictures of you and her kissing. Is this the person you're in a relationship with?"

I glanced back at Tana. She shook her head.
"Hi. We do kiss whenever the camera parade comes in just so they can get their jobs done." I lied.

"What is she to you?"

"My very close friend."

"Next question is for her. Do you agree with any of that?"

"Watch." Tana said and turned my face towards her.
"Wanna mess with them?" She asked.
I nodded with a smile. She pulled me into a kiss and we pulled away.
"That's how it goes. All the time."

"Why do you look like that Sam?"

"She's a really good kisser." I said and we all chuckled.

"What about her?"

"Um him?" I asked pointing to Logan.

"Oh. I'm sorry sir. Him."

"This is my boyfriend Logan." I said and grabbed her hand.


"I'm sorry. I just needed to get that out. They keep asking if I'm dating Tana."

"I heard them. But just."
I held her hand.

"Forgive me?"


"Are you two actually together?"

"Yep." We both said.

"Hi. I'm Leslie and I was wondering who Izzy is.."

"He was my favorite person in the world."


"He died."

"Oh.. I'm sorry for bringing it up.."

"It's fine."
We finished and got to the meet and greet.
"Thank you." I whispered to Logan.

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