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I didn't sleep at all last night. I don't know what was keeping me from doing it but I was awake.

"Babe. You okay?" Tana asked me.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I got up and took a shower. I got dressed and started brushing my teeth.
"I have an interview today. You wanna come?"

I held out my hand and we walked to the place.

"Hi. I'm Sam." I said.

"Hey. I'm Savannah."

"And this is my girlfriend Tana."
Tana waved and we sat down. The cameras started rolling.

"Hello everyone. Today I am joined by SAMM. It's so nice having you."

"I'm honored to be here Savannah." I said with a smile.

"So. You seemed to just show up out of nowhere on the formation tour as more than just the beloved and amazing percussionist known as little drummer girl. What was that like?"

"It was just as out of the blue for me actually. After I got signed I got permission to start promoting myself alongside mr khaled. So I was pretty nervous. But the transition was on the spot. Just like that." I snapped.

"We have seen how much Izzy McNeil meant to you when you moved us all to tears. Is it alright if you talk about that?"

Tana held my hand and I smiled at her.
"Izzy and I grew up together. He was the greatest friend I think I'll ever have and the greatest boyfriend I'll ever have. We always had each other's backs."

"Do you think you'll ever completely heal from not only the bullet wound in your chest but. Your broken heart?"
That is one heavy,loaded question.

"If I'm being honest. No. There's always gonna be a part of me hoping he'll surprise me at one of these shows and be all like. 'Hey hey. Party people.'" I nodded and Tana rubbed her thumb on the back of my hand.

I fanned myself to calm down.

"How is your music going? You debuted your new single right hand and it was great."

It is beyond me how she can just switch topics like that.

"Thank you. It's going well. I really love writing and producing and just rapping in general." I wiped under my eyes.

"That's good."

"What is your relationship with the Carter family like?"

"Oh. They're all genuinely great people. And they've helped me out a lot. I don't think there's anything I can do to thank them enough for all that they've done."

"Do you consider yourself a part of the family?"

"Only in my dreams sav. Only in my dreams." We chuckled.

"We have been informed that you are a triple threat. You can drum and rap like nobody's business. But you're quite the dancer."

Oh god.

"Eh? I've seen videos. You're amazing. Do we have a clip?"
Please god no.
"We do."

"Oh. You do." I said through my fake smile.

(Just an idea lol -author)

We watched the entire 3 minute video and I couldn't help but cringe.
I just don't like watching myself. The choreography was great and watching the others do it was also great but yeah. I'd rather watch others than myself.

"How old were you?"

"Man. Probably like 13-14."

"How long did those dancing days last?"

"From the ages of 3 to around 14."

"Why'd you stop?"

"It wasn't my main focus. I'll dance every now and then but it's pretty much been all music for the last two and a half years."

"Will you ever bust your moves at a show?"

"I don't know. It could happen."

"Well we hope you do because we love it."

"Thank you."

"On other news. We heard you and a bandmate having a bit of a disagreement."

"As friends do disagree at times." I said. "We're fine now. We talked it out. There's no bad blood between us."

"Do you consider the band family?"

"Of course."

"Do you consider Beyoncè and Dj Khaled family?"

"I wish."

"Why do you differ answers?"

"I've spent basically this whole tour with these people who I've gotten to know and who know me on a deeply intimate level. Like if you were to ask me a question about anyone in the band I'll be able to answer it. But when it comes to bey and mr. Khaled we don't really hang out and have that deep connection. They're still our superiors. I can look at my bandmates and be like oh yeah that's my Lo Lo, Ray Ray, Mikey,I call Tana babe. But when it comes to them I see them as Beyoncè and mr khaled. I look at them and I'm as much of a fan as you are."

"Do you think you will form that connection?"

"Well. It's possible. But I don't think I'll call Beyoncè bey to her face or refer to mr khaled as anything other than mr khaled anytime soon."

"That's fair." She said. "We have some questions we got from supporters of you. They've called themselves thug hugs."

I laughed a little. "That's so cute."

"Where did that come from?"

"My first tweet ever said. 'Hugs before nugs drugs and plugs.' And they're just some thugs. So it's definitely appropriate."

"Well we know how you feel about that name."

"Yeah. I'm already obsessed with thug hug nation."
Tana covered her face.
"What's wrong?" I asked with a smile.

"You're so cute." She mumbled. "How the hell are you so cute?"

"Thanks babe." I kissed the side of her head.

"Next question. Hi SAMM. Do you remember me?" She turned the picture.

"Yeah. I do." I smiled. "She made a dope shirt with me on it. I was thug blushing so hard."

"I love this." Savannah said and we went on.
"So you're in love with missy Elliot."

"Girl yes."

"We thought it would be fun to get you something because we love you and since you love her." She pulled out a sweater.

"This is so sweet!"

"This is so sweet!"

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