Kellin Quinn's Babysitter (Kellin Quinn Fan Fiction)

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Being 24 years old and having boring jet black hair and blue eyes with a weird taste in music and has no fashion sense really leaves you in the gutters...literally. My ex boyfriend chucked me out because I was 'accused' of cheating on him which is the other way round. I caught him having sex with not only a girl but with a guy! Why would he use me when he was gay already! I'm not against gay people but this was really fucked up in my brain. I had no where to go now, walking along the streets of Oregon and wondering what's going to happen next is a big problem for me.

I had my bags with me as I held them tightly feeling the pounding the rain droplets onto my body as I clutched my jumper closer to me. I had no family here deciding to move from my hometown in Oklahoma to be closer with the guy I thought was the one.

As I walked on the pavement and watching the world go by probably going to their loved ones and cuddling and watching movies together or maybe be with their children that they love so much. I held a car driving beside me as I looked beside me and saw a black car with the window sliding down. "Hey are you okay?" I heard a female voice as I ducked down and saw a really pretty lady with ombré hair and nice brown eyes.

"I'm fine," I lied.

"I'm fine is a lie. Are you needing somewhere to go? I can give you a ride there?" she asked and I shook my head.

"I'm fine honestly you don't need to. I can walk," I said but she wasn't having any of it I can tell.

"Are you homeless?" she asked and I looked at her widened my eyes. Is she a physic or something? I nodded my head giving in to tell her and she smiled sympathetically. "My husband is at home and I could really do with some female company, do you want to live with me until we find you a place?" she asked and I shook my head.

"I don't want to be a bother-"

"I'm not hearing a no so get in please," she ordered and I nodded my head getting into the car. "What's your name? I'm Katelynne," she smiled and I smiled too.

"I'm Rebel," I answered.

"Nice name and is that your natural hair colour I love it," she asked playing with a strand of my hair. I nodded my head and blushed.

She turned into a middle-sized house that was really smart outside as we walked in to see someone already there. "Honey I'm home," she called out and I heard footsteps coming towards us as we walked into the house. Someone was in view and he was the beautiful person that I've seen in years. His black hair that was swept across his forehead and nice blue-green eyes and a nice smile on his face. He walked over to Katelynne and kissed her on the lips and that's when reality hit me. That must be her husband. "Hey gorgeous, who's this?" he asked looking at me and with his eye contact on me made butterflies flutter in my stomach.

"This is Rebel, she will be staying here until she finds a place, so make her feel welcome please," she said and he nodded his head holding his hand out.

"I'm Kellin," he said and I smiled shaking his hand that the name suited his perfection.

"It's nice to meet you Rebel," he said and his accent made me melt. Wow I can't feel like this, I've just got out a relationship and he's married. I heard other footsteps and 2 boys and a little baby girl come round and they were all really cute. "Rebel this is Liam, Rowan and Copeland our children," he introduced and I smiled shaking their hands.

"You have an awesome name." The oldest one Liam said and I smiled widely.

"Thanks dude I like yours too, it's my older brother's name," I smiled and he smiled. He was really cute and I can tell he's going to be a hottie when he's in high school.

"Hi I'm Rowan," the little boy said and I smiled.

"Hi Rowan I'm Rebel," I said and he squealed.

"We can have an agents headquarters called RR which stands for Rowan and Rebel!" he squealed and I laughed.

"Rebel why don't I show you to your room." Katelynne said and I smiled at her following her into the spare room that's really nice. I decided to sleep and wait until tomorrow to see what I'm going go do but Kellin is really good looking and I don't know how I'm going to keep my eyes off him but I couldn't do that to Katelynne she's really nice to me but I'm not the person to do steal someone like that.

This my story of what happens in the Quinn family being the babysitter for Kellin Quinn.

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