Chapter Thirteen

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I woke up in daze thinking about the date in my mind. I smiled and yawned quietly as I stretched my arms and walked towards the window to open the curtains. It was a nice sunny day and the sun was nearly in the middle still being neither quite mild nor too cold. I got changed and walked downstairs to see Kellin making breakfast and the kids already at school with Copeland in her play crib. “Oo this smells delicious,” I smelt the bacon, sausages, egg and other delightful foods.

“Good because you are going to have to eat it,” he grinned putting the plate down in front of me and made me a nice small glass of fresh orange juice as I dug in.

“What time are you going to pick up Katelynne from the airport?” I asked.

“Around dinner time so you will have to make dinner for the kids,” he said and I nodded my head planning on what to make. “You’re so beautiful without makeup,” he said and I blushed covering my natural face in my hair. He moved the strands away from my face and kissed both my cheeks smiling. “Don’t cover it please,” he said and I nodded my head looking into her peer eyes. They were so big and pure white and his pupils just the right size. I noticed he had a nose piercing and a lip piercing holes and it looked really hot on him. Little stubble was forming around his lips and his soft lump pink lips made me crave for more. I kissed his lips slowly and thoughtfully loving every minute of it until he pulled away locking eye contact again. “You make me want more Rebecca Tracks.” he said.

“You make me want more to Kellin Bostwick.” I said and he chuckled kissing my lips once more and walking into another room shaking my perfectly sculpted bum as he wolf whistled.

I want Kellin more and more each day but we’re taking it slow and sex has not really come onto my mind like that. I’ve only had sex with 3 people and one was too show my love for that guy and that was Cam. I haven’t heard from him or do I want to but he’s probably sucking faces with his boyfriend and Jason seems like a nice guy and he will treat Cam right and I know it.

Kellin was doing something so I picked up the kids at school. I waited outside the entrance were Kellin told me they both come out of and I waited until the bell rung. I looked over the flood of children and soon spotted Rowan running towards me holding up a paper. “Rebel look I got 100% on my maths test!” he shouted shoving the paper to my face as I giggled taking the sheet and astonished at his full marks.

“Whoa Rowan that’s brilliant, congratulations. Maybe we can celebrate over at Braums after we pick up your brother,” I said and he smiled hugging me as we soon founded Liam talking to Arabella. They walked towards me and both give me hugs and smiled.

“Is it okay if Arabella comes round to our house for dinner?” he asked and I nodded my head.

“Of course but first we’re going to Braums for Rowan’s achievement!” I squealed and they grinned getting into the car and driving to Braums.

We got to Braums and we ordered our favourite ice creams and sat down at the tables. “Your mum will love the results Rowan,” I said scooping up the vanilla ice cream on my spoon and insert it into my mouth, letting the cream soothe my throat into my stomach.

“I know, I miss mummy.” he said pouting.

“Don’t worry she will be home tonight around dinner time and maybe you can see her if your bedtime before,” I said and he smiled grinning. “How was your day at school kids?” I asked Liam and Arabella as they looked opposite each other and smirked and continued eating their ice creams. “Am I missing something here?” I asked suspicious.

“Well in biology today, our friends and us were playing dares and we got dared to k-“

“Stop right there!” I said. “You didn’t kiss in the biology room did you?” I asked them both and they blushed.

“What a funny way to kiss somewhere but when I was younger. My friends and I were playing dares also in biology and my two friends were going out at the time. My mate and I told them to kiss but we were only joking but they did it anyway. Thankfully the teacher was doing something else because she would probably make fun of them,” (A/N This actually happened a few years back when I started high school and it was the most weird and funny thing at the same time) I laughed at the memory.

“Do they still go out now or?” Arabella asked.

“Not anymore, don’t know where there are now I guess.” I said looking outside the window beside me. I hardly see any of my friends back in high school and I miss them and not contacting them but they all do their separate things now.

After having some ice cream we went home and the kids did their own thing while I started making breakfast and as I stirred the meal; arms wrapped round my petite waist and kissed my cheek feeling his face smiling beside mine. “It smells delicious can’t wait to eat it and soon eat you,” he growled against my ear and I blushed turning round on my feet and kissed his lips.

“Taking it slow remember Quinn,” I smirked and he laughed as he kissed my lips and smiled into letting our tongues battle each other’s.

“Mum I was wondering if-uh!” We stopped and froze where we were to see Arabella staring back at us. I looked at Kellin and he had his eyes widened and shocked as I quickly moved away from him.

“Arabella this isn’t want it looks like-“

“Just say it mum. I’m going to go.” She stormed off and I had to run after her. This couldn’t be happening.

Now my daughter knows and how will she respond to keep it a secret?

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