Chapter Eight

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“What?” Kellin asked dumbfounded in disbelief.

“I have-had a daughter.” I said.

“Do you want to tell me the story about it?” he asked and I remember the story so clearly.


“Come on Rebel we won’t get in if you don’t hurry it!” my friend Melissa shouted from my bedroom door as I quickly put my heels on and ran downstairs to see my friends Melissa, Lucy and Alexandria waiting ready and looking perfect.

 I said goodbye to my parents and walked out of the house into a taxi waiting outside the house. We got into the taxi and we drove to the 16 and over nightclub. I was excited for tonight and finally being somewhere away from my parents and actually enjoying something is pretty new to me.

We got to the nightclub and some of our other friends including Cam we are there. “You look beautiful.” He whispered into my ear and kissed my cheek as I blushed at his comment.

“You look not bad yourself.” I smirked and we all walked in showing our school I.D and got in. Music was blasting through the massive amps in every corner and in front of the massive room with laser lights going everywhere. A disco ball shining in the middle of the room with people dancing-well, more like grinding on the dance floor. A busy bar with people surrounding it getting drinks and I went over there to get something not alcoholic beverage. I got something to drink and sipped it trying to look for my friends around the busy room.

“Hey gorgeous,” I guy said to me as I looked at him weirdly. His red hair was in somewhat afro kind like and his green eyes felt like he was staring straight into my soul. He wasn’t hot but really creepy and I felt super comfortable.

“Hi,” I said bluntly.

“Hey you don’t have to be blunt to me sexy I’m the man of your dreams,” he smirked and I can he was either drunk or high.

“Excuse me but I have a boyfriend,” I said and as I walked away I felt his grip on my upper arm.

“Well your boyfriend doesn’t need to know what’s going to happen okay. Now come with me,” He said firmly and took me somewhere private and quiet as I looked round frantically trying to find somebody but I didn’t know anyone.

We got into a cubicle and he suddenly slammed his lips onto mine. I tried to push him away but he held my hands tightly and I tried to knee him in the privates but I was in a really small place. I whimpered as he run his hand up my thighs to take my underwear off. “I’ll be careful okay.” He said and I screamed for help crying my eyes out knowing what’s going to happen to me.

“Please d-don’t.” I whimpered as I know my command won’t make him stop.

Not only did he rape me and also got me pregnant but he took my virginity. After having Arabella I gave her to adoption because a 16 year old me couldn’t handle someone else at such a young age. My parents kicked me out hearing about getting pregnant and soon I was staying at Cam’s place.


I cried into his chest as he soothes me with kisses on the head. “Don’t worry he’s not going to hurt me anymore,” his soft voice made my cries into sniffles knowing that he’s right; he never contacted me or spoken to me after I told him about getting me pregnant and raped me, he just left and didn’t want this baby with a complete stranger and he also told me that he was super high and doesn’t remember anything. I accepted his apology and didn’t go to the police but I was still bummed about that he took what something I was going to give to Cam when I was ready but nope.

“I need to call her parents,” I said wiping my eyes. He nodded his head and passed me back my phone as I dialled the number. I waited after two rings and thankfully the parents knew who I was and wanted me to come and see them tomorrow. I hung up and looked at Kellin that had his arms wrapped round my waist and looked down at me (I hate being small). “They said that I can come and see them and Arabella…” I said and smiled.

“That’s great, I’m coming with you,” he said brightly.

“Don’t you have band practise tomorrow?” I asked him.

“Yeah but I can make it for another day, I’m the one that organises it anyway,” he said.

“Are you sure?” I asked and he moved his head closer to me.

“Anything for you.” He said and I smiled kissing him quickly since we were hearing footsteps running downstairs. We moved away and looked at Liam as he gave me a hug.

“Are you sure you’re alright?” he asked looking up at me and I smiled down at him.

“I’m fine it’s just that Arabella is my…” I stopped and looked at Kellin to think I should to tell him. He nodded his head and I looked back at Liam. “Arabella is my daughter; I gave her up for adoption because I couldn’t  take care of her and I’m going to see her tomorrow after 12 years,” (A/N For any smart asses on here I don’t care if Rebel should be this age to have Arabella but in the story she is okay? Sorry if it came out harsh I just hate people doing that) I said and he nodded his head.

“Well that explains it, does that mean that I can see her?” he asked and I shook my head.

“Sorry honey but maybe next time though okay?” I asked and he grinned nodding his head giving me a quick hug and running upstairs.

I can’t wait to see my daughter.


Just a filler!

Hey guys quick favour! I need Rebel and Kellin to go on a date but I can't think of anything because I write the same thing and it annoys me that I don't have any inspiration for it so if you have any ideas PLEASE inbox me and I will dedicate the chapter to you!

Pretty please help me! D:

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