Chapter Eighteen

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I held my face in pain knowing there will be a bruise in the morning. "Katelynne babe-"

"Don't you babe me Kellin! How long has this been happening?" she asked anger rising in her voice.

"We broke it off a month ago-"

"So you were going out behind my BACK? Girl I thought you were my friend? I fucking helped you, you bitch!" she said and was about to slap me again but Kellin stood in front of her. "You! I don't know what to say about you but this...divorced!" And she walked away as people looked round at the commotion stunned.

"Guys the party is over!" Kellin shouted and everyone started moving back inside to get to the front door as Kellin and I just stood there. He turned round and looked at me concerned. "Is your cheek okay?" he asked and I nodded my head even though it's stinging like a bitch! But I needed that...a lot. What I did was slutty and stupid and I never knew I would be the person to be cheating on their loved one and I know this was going to happen but later...or not at all.

"What's going to happen now?" I asked.

"Can I stay at yours tonight? I don't think Katelynne wants to see me at the moment?" he asked and I nodded my head walking inside the house to see a few people walking out. I could hear them whispering and I hated it. I walked into the kitchen and started taking shots to ignore the pain from anything but I know it will still be there. I couldn't take anymore and I was still fucking sober as I waited for Kellin to grab his stuff and we can go.

"So you're going to stay at that skanks house?" her voice boomed at the top of the stairs as she follows Kellin downstairs to the hallway as I listened to them.

"She is not a skank! But she so much better then you were ever where Katelynne," his voice hissed back.

"So am I the bad guy now? Who was the one cheating huh Kellin? Who was the one that was picking up your fucking pieces while you were going through a bad time at the start of the relationship? Who was the one that carried and looked after your child while you were away all the time? ME it was all FUCKING ME! Do not blame it all on me Kellin!" she shouted and I know it was true. All those things were true but I couldn't say anything to that and that was Kellin did. He walked into the kitchen and saw me grabbing my hand and walking through the hallway feeling Katelynne eyes staring into my back as we got outside and into his car.

As we got into his car he punched the steering wheel and looking back to the house. He soon started the engine and I directed him to my apartment parking his car in my empty garage and walking to my apartment.

We got in and he looked around trying the best to smile but I know he didn't want to. "If you want a shower it's on the door on right." I said and he nodded his head heading for a shower as I walked into my room and removing my makeup seeing a massive blue bruise forming in the corner in my right eye as I pressed my fingertips to it and winced at the pain. I undressed into my PJ's and walked into the kitchen to fix me up something nice and warm and put the TV on as Kellin has his shower.

He got out soon after and smiled as I pointed behind me the door to my room and he walked through putting his stuff away and sitting beside me stealing some of my popcorn. "This wasn't supposed to go to plan," he muttered.

"I know right. If I didn't agree to the stupid offer at the very start this wouldn't have happened," I said guilty.

"Don't blame this on yourself Rebel everything is going to be okay. I just hope I see my baby though," he said and I nodded my head. I would hate to not see my kid but thankfully the parents are okay with it all and I get to see Arabella again.

"I know how you feel, what's going to happen now?" I asked and he shrugged his shoulders.

"I will get the divorce papers soon and sign them all and see who will get custody of Copeland I guess and then I will be a free man again," he said and looked at his black wedding ring and the 'K' tattooed and the infinity sign.

"Don't worry Kellin," I said and he nodded his head kissing my head and smiling.

"Least I can do that whenever I want to now," he smirked and I giggled.

"Oh you Kellin know how to make a girl smile," I chuckled.

"What can I say I'm a natural," he winked and I nudged his shoulder and soon he was on top of me kissing my lips as I smiled into the kiss as we've never been at this stage before. I stopped him before he could do anything he would regret.

"Kellin we can't do this right now. Now after what happened tonight," I said sadly and he nodded his head standing up holding his hand out to me.

"Let's go to bed," he said and I nodded my head taking his hand switching the TV off and knowing I will have to clean up tomorrow and got into bed with him as he held my waist and kissed the top of my head. "I love you."

"I love you too."

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