Chapter Three

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I had trouble sleeping and as I crept downstairs not wanting to wake up anyone, Copeland started crying as I pass her door. I burst in to make her stop so Kellin or Katelynne from waking up. I cradled her and she was crying still but not as much. I changed her and she was quiet making a milk sound as I carried her downstairs thankfully not waking anyone up.

We got to the kitchen I made her a bottle and fed her as she burped afterwards and giggled. I smiled at her and walked into her room to see a frantic Kellin pacing around the room. I coughed and he looked at me breathing in a sigh of relief and walked over towards me. "She was I gave her a bottle..." I trailed off scared at Kellin at what he might do to me.

"Thank god, when I saw she wasn't there and hearing her crying made me think she got kidnapped but thanks it saves me to do it," he chuckled and placed Copeland back into her crib.

"Yeah I guess so," I smiled at him. We walked out of her room and closing the door behind us.

"What are you doing up this early in the morning anyway?" he asked.

"I couldn't sleep and as I was going to go downstairs, Copeland started crying," I said and he nodded his head.

"Okay well I can keep you company, only if you don't mind?" he asked with her eyes dawning over me.

"It's your house, of course you can." I smiled and he grinned walking downstairs into the living room. I noticed that the time was 5am and I cursed at myself have to look after the kids today. Kellin put a film on and we sat on the either side of the couch and watched it. I was cold and shivered throughout the film and Kellin must've noticed and put his arm round my shoulder cuddling me into his side. I widened my eyes at first but I soon leaned in more liking the warmth coming from his skin. He was shirtless with comfortable trousers on and it was a nice sight but I couldn't think about it because he's already taken. My eyes started dropping and I fell asleep listening to Kellin's heartbeat.

I woke up with the sun blasting through the room as I opened my eyes and saw that Kellin wasn't there and wrapped me in a blanket. I saw Rowan watching SpongeBob quietly as Liam was doing something like homework while he had Copeland on his lap playing with a toy of hers. "Good morning Rebel." Rowan asked acknowledging me and giving me a tight hug. I smiled knowing how much I gotten close to Rowan over the few days staying here.

"What time is it?" I asked someone.

"Half past 10." Liam answered and I thanked him. I got up and folded up the blanket and laid over the couch as I picked up Copeland from Liam's lap to concentrate more on his homework.

I walked into the kitchen to see Kellin reading the paper with a mug of some sort of hot liquid in his mug. "Good morning," I chirped making myself some coffee.

"Morning, did you have a nice sleep?" he asked and I nodded my head pouring the readymade coffee into my mug.

"I did thank you. What are you doing today?" I asked him.

"Well I wanted you to meet my band mates because Katelynne's parents are coming round to take the kids out for the day," Kellin said and I felt excited. I would like to know what Kellin does for a career to travel the world and meeting his fans since they must be quite famous.

"Awesome when?" I asked.

"In 2 hours." He said and I smiled nodding my head drinking my coffee. After I decided to have a nice shower and changing into some clothes letting my hair dry in soft curls and added only mascara and put a pink beanie over my head.

I met Katelynne's parents and they were nice and took the children before Kellin and I got into his car and drove to the studio.

We got to the studio and I was quite scared meeting a lot of people since I have a low self-esteem since my teenage years and scared at what I could do. I heard these people are nice and great going and lifted my spirits up a little bit but still had the sick feeling as we walking into the studio. "What up Kellin who's this?" some guy with ginger hair and a nose piercing walked over to give Kellin a 'bro' hug.

"Guys this is Rebel, she's staying in my house for a while until she finds a new place. Rebel this is Jesse, Justin, Gabe and Jack the band members of Sleeping with Sirens," Kellin introduced us all as they gave me friendly hugs and I know these guys are going to be nice to me and seem a great laugh. A man came in and the guys walking into the recording room and got to their stations; Gabe on drums, Jack and Jesse on guitars, Justin on bass and lastly Kellin singing. "The reason why I wanted to bring you here is because I wanted your opinion on the last song to put on our new record okay? 1...2...3 LET'S GO!" Kellin shouted to the guys and everyone started playing their instruments and I smiled feeling quite appreciated for him to bring me here.

And I feel

I feel so alive again

Yeah, oh I feel

I feel so alive again

I used to be a ghost

Floating aimlessly

So they couldn't see

What I think hurts the most

I felt like it made me, hate me

But I won't apologize for being different

I can be who I am, and yeah

I felt so dead inside

But now I feel so alive, for the first time

And I feel

I feel so alive again

Yeah, oh I feel

I feel so alive again

Is there somewhere I could go?

Oh, I would go there

Take me anywhere

Cuz this person I don't know

The one that's staring back at me

It's not who I wanna be

But I won't apologize

For being different

I can, can be who I am

While they cover up the dead inside

I feel so alive, for the first time

And I feel

I feel so alive again

Yeah, oh I feel

I feel so alive again

Could you help me find

Could you help me find a way?

Could you help me find

Help me find a way

And I feel

I feel so alive again

Yeah, oh I feel

I feel so alive again

You'll never bring me down

You'll never tear me apart

I am alive

I am alive again

He finished it and it was really awesome. Kellin's singing makes me melt inside and letting tingles through my body. I've never heard any guy sing so beautifully like that before but overall everyone was fucking brilliant. "So how was it?" Kellin asked after they walked out of the recording room.

"It was honestly the best song I've ever heard in a while and I think you found yourself a new song!" I squealed the last bit and everyone cheered.

"The album is now finished!" Jesse yelled. Everyone cried of joy and made a massive group hug.

We got home and Katelynne was making dinner for all of us. "Hey," I smiled.

"Hey guys have you finished the album then? Sorry I couldn't come today honey," Katelynne pouted kissing Kellin's lip. I felt quite sad being Kellin's second choice but that should be it right? He is married but why do I feel jealous? We had dinner and the kids were staying over at Katelynne's parents for the night because there's going to be a party at Kellin's tonight to celebrate the new album.

Katelynne and I got ready putting on one of Katelynne's dresses and she curled my hair into loose curls and did a smoky eye effect and it made my blue eyes pop.

I wonder what's going to happen at the party?

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