Chapter Six

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I decided to walk over to Cams because I didn't want to have an awkward encounter with Kellin. I only told him that I was going out and he didn't believe me but he let me go but he doesn't need to know everything since we aren't going to be speaking again.

I arrived at Cams and buzzed the number as he unlocked the door walking up the familiar steps until I reached the door knocking and waiting patiently for him to open it. He did and he looked incredibly hot with his tan and black hair swept across his forehead and nice brown eyes smiling at me. "Hi Rebel," he smiled and I smiled back walking in and into the living room. I walked into the living room and saw a guy with pale skin and he was muscular than Cam sat on the couch and got up to shake out his hand for me. "This is Jason; my boyfriend..." he trailed off coughing as I put on the best fake smile and shook his hand.

"I'm Rebel. Cam's ex-girlfriend," I smirked at him as he looked at me weirdly but still smiled as I sat on my favourite seat across them both. "How you guys doing?" I asked them.

"Great thanks. What about you?" Cam asked.

"Alright I guess... I just wanted to speak to Cam alone if that's alright?" I asked Jason and he reluctantly left the room leaving Cam and I. "Why didn't you tell me you were gay?" I asked straight out.

"It only happened a few months ago when I started my new work with Jason..." he trailed off.

"You could of told me you were gay instead of me finding you doing fucking anal with the guy!" I shouted furious.

"Look Rebel I would've told you but I know you would do this," he said calmly.

"I don't care about that though Cam! I thought you were strong enough to say you were gay instead of showing it to me. I would've understood better than that!" I shouted.

"Look! It's done now can we just forget about it and be friends again...please," Cam walked across and held my hands as he looked into my eyes.

"Cam I will always be your friend but I'm happy that you're happy. I want you to be my best friend again," I said sadly. Cam and I were childhood best friends and when we got older we went out and it was perfect being the 'it' couple in high school and we were both so strong going to separate colleges and then finally living together but I guess we were both meant to be friends instead of more. "I still love you Cam but I'm happy for you and Jason. He seems like a nice guy but if he hurt you I will kill him." I said giving him a tight hug as he chuckled finally being happy again.

But that's when I have to go back to Kellin's of course.

I left Cam's and walked back to Kellin's house and as I opened the door Rowan and Copeland ran to me hugging me. "I thought you were leaving us!" Rowan cried into my leg as I was confused. I lifted Copeland and put her onto my side as knelt down to Rowan.

"I was just at a friend's Rowan don't worry." I smiled and he smiled kissing my cheek as I wiped his tears away. He ran away and I walked into the dining room to see Katelynne putting dinner out and she smiled at me.

"Heya sweetie where were you?" she asked.

"Just went to see Cam and were both good now," I smiled.

"Well that's brilliant Rebel. Kellin come down now dinner is ready!" I tensed at his name and hearing his footsteps down the stairs and into the dining room. We both made eye contact and I averted them to the delicious food in front of me as I digged in.

There was an awkward silence during the dinner and thankfully finishing quickly, I left the table and walked outside the back garden to have some fresh air and to clear my head. There was a swing at the bottom on the garden and I swung on it while looking at the dark sky above me. "You're going to get a cold," I heard his voice as I shook my head.

"I'm fine," I stated.

"You're sniffling. Just put this on please," he said plead in his eyes as I grabbed his jumper and put it on and continued swinging on the swing.

"What do you want Kellin? I thought we had to be out each other's way?" I asked looking at him with hurt in my eyes.

"I want to be with you Rebel," he blurted out and I stopped swinging looking at him with wide eyes.

"Well you can't because well..." I trailed off thinking of something.

"Well what?" he asked and I shook my head.

"We just can't okay Kellin. You're married for god sakes!" I said waving my hands around me.

"I're right but I just want to ask one thing okay?" he asked standing in front me as he opened my legs a little bit to put his body through. He put a strand of hair behind my hair and slowly moved his head closer to mine. "Just a kiss," He said and before I could respond his lips attacked mine and the same sensation run through my body as I smiled into the kiss liking it a lot. We moved in sync and pulled away getting air.

"Wow!" I said dazed by it all.

"One date please?" he asked and I smiled nodding my head as we walked back into the house.

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