Chapter Sixteen

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It’s only been a week since I ended it with Kellin and I am wasting away slowly. I bought my new apartment and it was causally nice, still decorating my room since the other rooms didn’t need to and it was completely modern. With laminate floors with spots of fluffy rugs, black leather sofa and a nice flat screen TV too make it nice and other bits and bobs to make it more homely. I had a games room and got a spare room for any visitors staying the night. Katelynne wanted me to look after the kids and she was dropping them off any minute now as I sip my coffee waiting for the buzzer to go off. Soon the buzzer went off and held the open button and heard the door open through the quiet hallways and some talking outside. The bad side about this apartment is it’s got thin walls and having a teenager living below you really sucks but I don’t mind it. They play great music and I some live thinking it’s a band.

The doorbell went off and got out my chair and walked over to the door and opened it to see the boys running and hugging me, Copeland move her arms towards mine as I held her kissing my cheek. I noticed she had her Strawberry outfit since its Halloween today. The boys went off somewhere and got changed into their outfits too. “Hey Rebel, I like it here it’s nice,” she said looking round walking in as I told her too.

“Hello Katelynne and I really like it here but it gets lonely at times but I don’t mind it really,” I said.

“Well Kellin is throwing a party in 2 weeks a fancy dress one, you should totally come,” she insisted but I shook my head. “And I’m not taking no for an answer now you will come please,” she widened her eyes giving me puppy dog eyes and I know it works a lot and I nodded my head.

“Great this weekend we can go out shopping is that alright?” she asked and I nodded my head smiling. “Well I have to go now before I’m late. Could you take them around the neighbourhood and then take them home about 9pm?” she asked and I smiled nodding my head. “BYE BOYS! Bye cutie, bye Rebel.” She said and I waved her back before closing the door behind her.

The boys came out as Rowan was Spiderman and Liam Captain America and they looked awesome. “Are you guys ready to go?” I asked them and they nodded their heads, grabbing their pumpkins baskets and we were off.

We walked round and did their trick or treating and got loads of sweets. Arabella and her friend Emily came with us with her older brother Jamie and he was cute but he was only 18. As everyone went to the houses and took Copeland helping her patiently I spoke to Jamie and he was a really nice guy with short blonde hair and nice blue eyes. “How do you know the Quinn family?” he asked.

“I was actually homeless for a while and Katelynne took me and now I’m their babysitter,” I said.

“Awesome I know because I’m a big fan of Sleeping With Sirens,” he gushed and I smiled not letting him ruin my fun time.

“Yeah Kellin is nice,” I said quietly.

“Cool I’ve met him a few times too but never had the balls to actually talk to him,” he chuckled and I giggled too.

“Well you should, he harmless maybe he will burst into a song for you or something.” I said and he smiled.

“Yeah thanks Rebel you’re great!” he said and I smiled rolling my eyes. I supposed to be not thinking about him but he’s on my mind 24/7. I just want to see him again; his black curly hair that his fringe swept across his forehead, unusual eyes that I adore and just every little thing. I want him back but I know I can’t have.

After saying goodbye to Arabella, Emily and Jason I walked back to the house with the children and walked in to smell something amazing. “Hey guys did you have a great time,” Katelynne’s voice soothed across the room as we walked into the kitchen as the boys told her and showed her the sweets they got.

“Look I got an action figure too!” Rowan said shoving it in Katelynne’s face as she chuckled.

“Well that’s great Rowan but are you ready for dinner? Rebel you can stay if you want and I’m not taking no for an answer,” I was stuck at that moment and sat down ready for the goodness inside me.

“Where’s Kellin?” I asked trying to sound confident but none of them noticed how broken I am without him.

“He’s working late like usual. Honestly when you left he wouldn’t leave the recording room but I don’t know maybe he has loads of ideas and wants to work on them.” Katelynne said and I nodded my head knowing that I was the cause for that.

“Well maybe that’s it I suppose.” I said and she nodded her head eating her meal and we all sat in a comfortable conversation how the boys were telling their mum about everything.

After dinner I walked out the house sharp seeing Kellin’s car about to park into the driveway but when the engine turned off I was already round the corner but I know I didn’t want that to happen but I needed too.

Another 2 weeks I will be seeing him again at that party.


Dedicated to the amazing Riot aka @RazorbladeKissesX for making all my covers. Just pm her if you want because honestly I really love them all!:D

Happy Halloween!:D MUUAAAHAHAHA

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