Chapter Two

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I groaned into my pillow trying to keep the sunlight hitting my eyes more than it should do. "Oh my gods Cam close the...blinds..." I trailed off knowing I'm not at 'home' anymore. I got up and opened my eyes to see the unfamiliar room that I was in. I groaned again and got out of my bed to get an oversized jumper to go downstairs in. I found my slippers and slipped them on closing the bedroom door behind me and tried to find the kitchen to smell some gorgeous food.

I got downstairs and walked in to see a smiling and all ready Katelynne making breakfast for everyone. I said morning and everyone smiled saying morning too. "Morning Rebel, I have a photo shoot today and Kellin is going to band practise and I was wondering if you want to look after the kids until I get back?" she asked. "I will pay you," she smiled.

"Oh no, you don't need to pay me-"

"You're looking after the kids; I think I should pay you. I will be back around 6ish I will show you how to work the cooker because you will have to make dinner and bathe Copeland but I think you know how to do that because the boys will help you with that. Isn't that right boys?" she asked the boys and they smiled. I nodded my head taking the offer and she showed me how to work everything in the house and I was happy with it all. She soon left and it was just me, Kellin and the kids in the house since he won't be leaving around 12pm because its still 11am.

I decided to get dressed into ripped jeans and a Nirvana T-Shirt putting some eye-liner and mascara on not bothering with foundation since my skin was great as it was. As I pulled my blue beanie on and entering the bathroom, someone walked out bumping into him. "Oh Rebel I'm sorry," his voice said.

"No it's fine I should've knocked." I said and took a look at Kellin. His hair was ruffled with a beanie similar to mine on his hair and a nice vest top and blue jeans. I smiled and walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

I exited the bathroom and walked downstairs to see Kellin videoing Copeland walking towards him. He moved the camera up to me and I held my hands to my face as I heard him chuckle hate having the camera on me. "C'mon coco come to daddy," he cooed as she walked and I heard something move into a pocket.

"Is it gone?" I asked still holding my hands up to my face.

"Yes don't worry," he chuckled and I smiled putting my hands to my sides. I looked into his crazy colour eyes and we stood in eye contact until he took his phone out must've felt a vibration and cursed under his breath.

"I have to go bye Rebel, BYE BOYS!" he shouted the last part somewhere where I heard muffled goodbyes before he left the house with me holding onto Copeland. She laughed and I smiled before walking into the living room where the boys were watching something on TV.

"What do you guys want to do today?" I asked them sitting down on the soft couch.

"Can we go to the beach?" Rowan asked.

"The beach is on the other side of city stupid," Liam retorted and soon they started fighting.

"Boys!" I shouted and they stopped what they were doing and looked at me. "Do you want to go to the beach or do something else because I wouldn't mind walking, it's a nice day out?" I asked them and they hesitated for a bit.

"Really walking?" Liam asked.

"Well do you just want to be in the house all day?" I asked and they groaned. "Walking and beach then now get your things and yourself ready please." I said and they obeyed running upstairs that I felt important. I normally don't get people to listen to me but these kids seem nice enough to be naughty. I dressed Copeland and I texted Katelynne what we're doing. Last night before I got to bed I told Katelynne why I was homeless and she was nice enough to comfort me and she gave me her number for emergencies or anything. Everyone was ready and we walked out and as Liam helped me with the pram (A/N stroller) and started walking to the beach. I re-changed into something more summery and beach suitable as I still had my beanie on never taking it off in case were going into the water.

"Is Rebel actually your real name?" Rowan asked and I shook my head.

"No its Rebecca but I was a rebel when I was younger and the nickname stuck I guess," I sighed.

"What did you do?" he asked.

"Just things I shouldn't have done and are very bad," I said not wanting to go into detail especially telling a younger one.

"What sort of things?" Liam asked.

"I'm not going to tell you in case this little one will get any ideas." I said pointing to Rowan as he looked around him. Liam nodded his head and smiled at me and he was really cute.

We got to the beach and we played in the water and I sun bathed while the boys took care of Copeland and it was really nice just not thinking about anything and paying attention on my tan.

We got back as I told the boys to get showers as I make dinner for everyone. I made them my famous Spaghetti Bolognese. The boys were ready and ate their food as we chatted and they were amazing boys and Katelynne and Kellin should be proud of the way they were brought up. I bathed Copeland with the help of Liam and she was soon clean as I tied her hair into a ponytail since it was quite long.

Katelynne came back and thanked me for everything as Kellin came in afterwards. After the kids went to sleep we stayed up watching some film on the TV and Katelynne and Kellin were cuddling up on the couch as I was on the one-seater trying to not let the jealously and loneliness come over me as I thought about Cam and I. I went to bed early with all the walking washing me out and said goodnight to the couple and went to bed just to get the new day to start.

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