Chapter Five

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I felt an arm draped over my naked chest as I leaned onto my elbows as I examined the boy beside me sleeping soundlessly. I couldn't believe I would do such a thing when I didn't want to but at least I gave him what he wanted right? But I never got that kiss out of mind. It's going to be awkward now and we need to talk about it but I would hate if Katelynne knew because we weren't drunk and I guess we both wanted to do it. We both leaned in and deepened the kiss.

I wriggled out of his grasp and I looked round that was my room and I walked to find some PJ's and a big jumper needing a shower but I will wait until he leaves. I poked his side as he grumbled and moved to look at me widening my eyes. "Shit!" he muttered and I nodded my head.

"Do you even remember it?" I asked and he shook his head.

"I'm sorry if I...forced you too. I don't normally do that..." he trailed off and he seemed a really nice guy as I nodded my head smiling.

"It's fine but I think you should leave but it was nice meeting you Jack," I smiled.

"It was also nice to meet you too... Sasha was it?" he asked and I giggled shaking my head.

"My name is actually Rebel but you were quite creepy so I didn't tell you my name." I giggled and he apologised and I smiled accepting his apology. He got changed and I walked him towards the door and said goodbye to him and closed the front door.

"Oo did Rebel get some action last night?" I heard Katelynne's voice behind me as I turned round and blushed. "Aw don't worry but you're cleaning your sheets," she ordered and I obeyed. We walked into the kitchen as she made me some coffee. "Did you enjoy last night?" she asked.

"Yeah it was alright. At first it was awkward because I didn't know much of those people but then it got better." I smiled and she nodded her head.

"Awesome! I had a good time too but I was tried this morning though," she giggled holding her head. "Kellin has gone to pick up the kids so you can have a shower if you want to." She smiled and I nodded my head sipping the last of my coffee and walking upstairs to have a shower.

I freshened up and I was ready for the rest of today. Kellin and the kids were already here and today Katelynne is working on her clothing line so she's gone away leaving Kellin and the kids. I wanted to avoid Kellin but I couldn't because we really needed to talk about it. Rowan wanted to play catch outside with me so we walked outside into the big back garden and played catch with our baseball gloves and Rowan was a good catcher and thrower.

We played for a while until us both needed drinks since it was hot day out. We made our drinks and drank them to see who will drink their drink the fastest and I let Rowan won. Rowan wanted to play on his XBOX 360 and I let him wanting to sit outside enjoying the sunlight. "I know I would find you out here," I heard his voice that made me stiffen my posture as he sat beside me. "We need to talk," he stated and I know we do but I had to play dumb.

"What about?" I asked.

"You damn well know why Rebel," he said and I nodded my head. "Did you...feel anything about that kiss?" he asked and I stayed silent because I don't know if I should tell him I have feelings for him and ruin his relationship with Katelynne. "Rebs?" he asked. "Look at me!" he ordered and I stayed where I am looking forward but I needed to look at him but I couldn't. "Did you feel anything in that kiss?" he asked again.

"Yes," I blurted out and I moved my hands up to my mouth and I looked at him with widened eyes. His facial expression was somewhat normal but with widened eyes until they went normal again.

"I don't know what to say because I felt something to but I'm with Katelynne and I love her but...I can't cheat. How about let's just stay out of each other's way yeah?" he asked and honestly I felt hurt hearing that but it's for the best.

"I will look for apartments now then." I said and left him to go inside and onto the computer.

I didn't look at apartments though...I was looking at random things that I typed that came into my mind about random things not thinking straight. I need to leave though and not stay here because Kellin is just going to be on my mind and I want to kiss him again and have those perfect lips on mine.

I decided to do the best way possible and call him. "Hello?" his voice that I've missed for a while now answered. His Mexican accent rose through the speakers of my phone.

"Cam it's me. Can we talk?" I asked.

"Eh...Rebel...of course. What time?" he asked.

"I will be at yours at 7 okay?" I asked.

"Yeah that's fine. I will see you here bye."

"Bye." I said and hung up not realising if I did the right thing or not.

Besides he's gay now but I need the whole story now!


Hey everyone thanks for the votes and comments and still do it throughout this story hehe!:D

I was just saying check out the story called 'There's A Story At The Bottom Of This Bottle' it's a Zack Merrick fan fiction and i'm co-writing with the brilliant @RazorbladeKissesx so check it out on her account!:D


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