Chapter Ten

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Kellin and I went home after settling on Saturday for Arabella to stay over at the house. I know Liam will be happy about this and I can’t wait to tell him the news. Katelynne is away on holiday somewhere for fashion weekend so Kellin and I have the house all to ourselves and we can finally be together once all the kids go to sleep.

We got back to the house and as we walked in a flustered Katelynne came out of the kitchen. “We’re the hell have you people been? I’ve been worried sick about both of you!” she said moving her hands everywhere.

“Honey we’ve been at Rebel daughter’s house today to visit.” Kellin said and Katelynne nodded her head.

“Okay I thought you two were out on a date or something,” she chuckled and Kellin and I looked at each other and smiled laughing with her because we’re going to be doing that while she’s away and I hate doing this behind her back but I have feelings for Kellin. “I’ve made food if you want to eat.” She said and we followed her into the kitchen.

“How was Arabella was she okay?” Liam asked me as I sat down opposite him.

“She’s fine and she’s coming over to stay the night on Saturday so you best be on your best behaviour,” I smiled at him as he blushed.

“Arabella’s a nice name.” Rowan said and I nodded my head.

“I named her after my mother.” I said smiling sadly down at my food. I felt a soft kick from beside me as I looked over at Kellin and smiled.

After dinner I had a nice refreshing shower and walked back down into the living room to see the family watching TV. Liam and Rowan on one sofa and the couple on the other cuddled up as Kellin kisses her forehead and I felt jealously and I know that I was ruining their lives here breaking up a perfect couple and family.

I walked into the office area and went on the computer to find some apartments me for to rent in. I looked through it and I couldn’t find any that was in the city or in the worst part of the state. I decided to check my social networks and got the same notifications and I saw that Cam was online. I changed my profile picture and such to renew everything old and I looked through the albums that Cam and I shared. I smiled at the perfect memories and I was happy looking through them all and laughing at the funny pictures. I was happy that we broke everything off even though it left me heartbroken but he’s happy and I’m happy too. I heard a cough and looked up seeing Rowan there. He came over and sat on my lap looking at the computer screen. “What’s up dude?” I asked.

“I don’t want you to leave,” he muttered.

“I’m going to have to leave soon though, “ I said logging out of Facebook and going on Twitter.

“I know but not now because I like you being here being our babysitter,” he said. I scrolled through and nothing amazing mused me as I saw the boys followed me.

“I like you too and I can still be your babysitter but I will live somewhere else,” I said stroking his head.

“Once you get your new place can I come and visit?” he grinned and I chuckled.

“Of course you can it will be awesome having you round.” I smiled and kissed his cheek. I logged off and switched off the computer walking back to the living room. Everyone was still in the same position as I cuddled with Rowan watching TV on the same couch as Liam. I heard a snap shot and looked round to see Katelynne and Kellin has taken a picture of us.

“If Rowan was 10 years older you guys would be the cutest couple ever!” Katelynne awed and I giggled. Rowan gave me a kiss on the cheek and he was quite a cracker and I really loved the boy.

“Oh Rebel, you will have to look after the kids tomorrow because Katelynne and I are working.” Kellin said and I nodded my head. They pay me a lot for looking after the kids, 30 dollars a day.

“After Kellin comes back you can come shopping with me if that’s alright?” Katelynne said and I nodded my head smiling. It will be nice to get some nice clothes.

We continued watching TV until everyone went to bed and I stayed down to watch the rest of the movie but I just wanted to be alone. I felt someone sit beside me as I cuddled into his side. “You know you really have to do something instead of scaring me all the time,” I chuckled and he laughed.

“Sorry I don’t think, are you okay?” he asked and I nodded my head.

“Are you?”

“As long as you’re okay I’m okay,” he said and I smiled kissing his cheek.

“Are you excited about the weekend?” I asked and he grinned at me.

“Of course Katelynne free,” he chuckled and I laughed with him.

“Kellin?” I asked snuggling more into his side watching the TV screen.

“Yes beautiful?” he said playing with a strong of my black hair.

“What are we?” I asked looking up at him. I moved to sit in front of him and looked into his eyes.

“Rebel, would you do me the honour of being my secret girlfriend?” he asked and I chuckled moving closer to him.

“Of course my boyfriend.” I smiled and kissed his lips.


Here's another update but I finished having a shit day because of the news about Sleeping With Sirens. Jesse will be missed a lot and I understand his reason and I honestly hope he has a great future and I miss him loads but hey! Least they weren't splittng up though cause they have helped me through alot and I've only know about them only this year (I know recently a fan) but there music is amazing and again I hope Jesse has a great life but I will always know him as the red head  guitarist but all I want to know is who will take his place?:O 

Anyway here's an update for you all!:D 

Enjoy a picture of the amazing Jesse Lawson(:

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