Chapter Twenty (Last Chapter)

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A few weeks later the papers came through and it was official that Kellin and I can be together. I hugged Kellin and smiled and soon we were in a heated make out session and well one thing led to another and boy did I wasn't expecting it. I was pregnant. I still haven't told Kellin and a few weeks away. I went to the scans by myself because if I told Kellin he wouldn't like it that I kept it away from him and we were too soon in the relationship to be having twins to be exact.

I looked at the photos of the two foetuses in my stomach of the scan and smiled wondering what they will look like. I would love two girls but I know Kellin would want a boy. He needs some boys and I will love them equally. I heard footsteps running through the house and I quickly put them in my pocket but dropped them on the floor and he saw it. I froze watching his hand pick up the photos and looked at them. He gasped and I winced wondering what he will tell next. "Are these yours?" he asked and I thought about lying but it's time he knew the truth. I nodded my head closing my eyes waiting for him to start talking. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked and I shrugged my shoulders. "Tell me please!" he demanded and I knew I have to talk to him now.

"I thought you wouldn't like it since you recently are divorced that's why," I said and he smiled kissing my forehead.

"I'm happy were going to be a twins but you should've told me so I can see them myself. Is that why you were sick for a little while and the weird cravings?" he asked and I nodded my head smiling. "I still love you and how were going to have a family ourselves is pretty awesome but..." he trailed off knowing that's something isn't going to be happy. "I'm on tour for 4 months and won't be back for a month until I go on tour again," he said.

"Oh," but was I supposed to say after that though? It's okay I will go through it myself. I want him to be there for the children being born and raising them for a little bit until there a little bit older for him to go.

"Don't be sad I'm not going for another two weeks and everything is going to be okay." And everything after that was okay. We had little boys called Aiden and Caleb which are 2 years old, Copeland 3 years old and Arabella 13 years old and beginning to act like a teenager. Kellin and I got married straight after we had the twins and the family is going to strong and the craziest thing is that Katelynne and I are really good friends still.

I picked up the kids at the school and drove them back home since Arabella now lives with us after I pleaded the social carers that I was okay and ready to look after her. Arabella still sees Mr and Mrs Windsor and they are the god parents to Aiden and Caleb. "Mum?" Arabella asked as we got into the house.

"Yes Arabella?" I asked her as I unpacked the groceries into the kitchen cabinets.

"When is dad coming home?" Even though Kellin isn't Arabella's dad she started calling him that when we got married and since Arabella won't ever see her real dad she calls him that because he is a dad to her and I love seeing that.

"Tonight but you can stay up but don't tell everyone else that." I winked and she smiled and walked upstairs probably to talk to her new boyfriend Jason. The doorbell went and in come Copeland and Katelynne carrying her bags. "Hey guys," I said as Copeland ran up to me and gave me a hug.

"Coco why don't you carry your stuff and ask Arabella to unpack them for the Christmas," Katelynne instructed Copeland and she nodded her head and running upstairs shouting for Arabella. "Are you ready for Christmas then?" Katelynne asked and I nodded my head sighing loudly.

"Got everything sorted and ready," I said. I don't see Rowan and Liam anymore except when I pick Arabella up and I speak to them sometimes but not as much but it was great being their babysitter but now I work in an office and I quite enjoy it. "What about you?"

"Great! The boys are going to their dads so I'm spending it by myself," she said.

"You can spend it with us if you want for Christmas dinner?" I asked her but she shook her head.

"I'm going to my parents for that but thanks for the offer. I better go but see you guys soon." She said and I smiled saying goodbye and walking out. After she left my phone started ringing and I checked and it was Kellin.

"Hello gorgeous," his sweet voice that I missed run through.

"Hello handsome," I said.

"The snow storm has actually cancelled the flight and I won't be back until after Christmas," he said quietly.

"WHAT? But I have everything sorted! Ah okay..." I trailed off. It's 3 days before Christmas and he won't be there to celebrate.

"I'm sorry but I will make it up for everything alright baby. I have to go love you and bye."

"Love you too bye." I said and hung up suddenly pissed off.

I told Arabella and she was unhappy but it was about 11pm and I was watching a film by myself as the kids were all asleep except for Arabella as I here he music playing quietly but I didn't say anything because I wasn't in the mood. Suddenly the front door opened revealing snow pushed onto the floor and closed it. I wasn't expecting anyone at this time of night but after hearing his sweet voice I ran and jumped into his arms kissing his cheek, so happy to see him but still pissed as he would play a joke on me. "The storm cleared before cancelling it. I love you so much and can't wait to spend Christmas too." He kissed my lips as my warm ones connected with his cold ones.

"Kellin I love you too."

And if it wasn't for getting picked up on the street and being a babysitter none of this would've happened and I'm happy for it all.


This is the last to this story. I don't have any inspiration to think about anything else but I would love to thank everyone that's been reading, voting and commenting and now it's 112 votes and 1.3K reads and that's crazy. I'm not doing a sequel but please read my Jalex 'The Rock Show' that I'm currently co-writing with the amazing @McFlyAllTimeLow and also co-writing with @RazorbladeKissesx and it's also a Zack Merrick Fan Fiction called 'There's A Story At The Bottom Of This Bottle' check them all out and thanks again!:D

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